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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Music - The Collins School band, Mrs. Florence Lewis, teacher, sponsored an amateur contest Friday evening in the high school auditorium. A fine program was very well presented and a free will offering was taken for the band's benefit. First prize in the contest to Carla Smith, Janet Evans, Reda Smith, and Marilyn Carver (Shirley Smith, accompanist) for their can-can dance. Second prize - Janet Evans for piano numbers. Third prize - D. G. Partridge, vocal solo. Special mention - Zola Gilley, vocal solo; Gary and Jimmy Bates, accordion duet. Others participating - Darwin Luing, Pamela Luing, Betty Taylor, Esther Swaim, Linda Wiese, Wiese trio, Partridge trio, Alice and Carroll Smith, Mary Perin, Gary Wycoff, Edward Smith, James and Robert Lewis, Mary Wiese, Charlene Luing, Dorothy Hand. Others providing entertainment were: The Twirlers - Daisy Mary Maxwell, Saundra Smith, Verlie Etnier, and the School Band.

Future Farmers of America (F. F. A. ) - Elected new officers: Pres. - Robert Moses; Vice Pres. - Howard Hofer; Sec. - Dale Derby; Treas. - Jack Koehler; Reporter - Richard Thomas; Sentinel - Gene Fitzgerald. The retiring officers informed their successors of their particular duties and escorted them to their stations. Past year officers were: Pres. - Darrel Moses; Vice Pres. - Reno Milligan; Sec. - John Duesbury; Treas. - John Carver; Reporter - Jack Koehler; Sentinel - Jim Anderson.

Sectional Baseball Tournament at Collins - First round - Collins 13, Cambridge 5;

Semi-finals - Elkhart 13, Collins 3. (Insert 2005: No additional information and box scores found)

Fall 1952 Baseball Season Summary: Collins won - Cambridge 14-2; Shipley 3-2. Lost - Slater 8-2; Huxley 14-4; Farrar 4-3; Elkhart 13-1. Sectional Tourney: Collins won - Cambridge 12-4; Lost - Elkhart 14-3. Season Record: Won - 3; Lost - 5. Collins had four to five freshmen in the starting lineup. John Vasey (56) and Don Johnson (53) were the pitchers and Jerry Nichol (56) was the catcher. Refer to Spring 53 Baseball Season Summary.

October 9, 1952 - Freshmen News: The freshmen and sophomore agricultural class went to Monroe to see the Pfister seed corn plant and cornfields. This is a week we have a radio in the study hall to listen to the World Series baseball games.

Hot Lunch Menu: Mon. - Steamed hamburger sandwich, scalloped corn, raw carrot sticks, canned apricots, milk; Tues. - Minced ham sandwich, mashed potatoes with butter, cheese slices, carrot and pineapple Jell-O salad, peanut butter cookies, milk; Wed. - Scalloped chicken, green beans, lettuce and tomato salad, bread and butter sandwiches, chocolate pudding, milk; Thurs. - Meat balls and spaghetti, buttered carrots, hot rolls, raisin cake, milk; Fri. - Peanut butter sandwiches, scalloped potatoes with cheese, boiled egg halves, cooked cabbage or peas and carrots, canned peaches, milk. There were 4,061 meals served during the month of September.

Parent Teachers Organization (P.T.O.) The homeroom mothers for grades third, fourth, and sixth entertained the pupils' mothers and teachers at teas in the school building. The homeroom hostess for the third grade was Mrs. Orville Smith, for the fourth grade Mrs. John Crabb, for the sixth grade were Mrs. Wm. Duesbury and Mrs. Wayne Evans.

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