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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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September 18, 1952 - School Enrollment is 263 with 56 in high school and 207 in 1-8 grades. Grade enrollment is: Kgt. - 27, 1st - 18, 2nd - 25, 3rd - 31, 4th - 33, 5th - 25, 6th - 19, 7th - 19, 8th - 16 totals 207; 9th - 24, 10th - 12, 11th - 15, 12th - 8 totals 56 for a grand total of 263, 137 are girls and 126 boys. Eighty of the pupils live in town and 183 are rural residents. There are 56 tuition pupils with 50 in the grades and 6 in high school from the following districts: Ashton - 16, Harsh - 16, Pleasant Grove - 5, Clyde - 5, Ind. Jasper County - 3, Indian Creek - 1, New Albany - 10. Average daily attendance last year was 243 students.

High School Subjects - English (4 years), Algebra, Business Training, Bookkeeping, Geometry, Typing, World History, American Government, General Science, Homemaking, Vocational Agriculture (4 years), Physics, Vocal Music, Band, Physical Education, Athletics.

Financial - Total taxable school district valuation of Collins Consolidated School District = $2,278,688 and the indebtedness balance of the district is $15,000.

September 25, 1952 The seniors were dismissed from school to gather advertising for the annual. We wish to extend our thanks to the merchants and business people who helped us.

The officers of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) entertained the standing committees, home-room mothers, faculty members and their families at a tea in the Home Economics room Wednesday, after school.

Grade News: Ktg. - We have been telling stories of our pets at home and drawing pictures of them. We are learning about trains and pictures were drawn of them with colored chalk. Wednesday afternoon a movie was shown to us on "Trappers Festival of the Northwest." They have contest events such as sled and dog team races, fishing from holes cut in the ice, snowshoe races, climbing poles covered with ice, and election of the queen. First - We wrote numbers from 1 to 100 to pin on our bulletin board. For Language, we told stories about a picture and guessed what the picture said.

October 2, 1952 Freshmen Initiation - The freshmen and sophomore classes were required to write themes of their viewpoints. Sophomore view: Friday morning the halls were filled with many strange characters, lo and behold they were freshmen. The ancient world was meeting the world of tomorrow; Mr. and Mrs. Caveman, the presence of Uncle Zeb from Kentucky with his jug of moonshine, Big Chief and his squaw, Buffalo Bill, a gypsy and hobo, the cigarette girl from the Stork Club, Captain Video. We sophomores ridiculed the freshmen and embarrassed them to some extent. I really believe they enjoyed it, although they wouldn't tell us so. Freshmen view: The week was full of excitement as we had to find costumes to wear and also worry about what we had to do initiation night. We didn't have to do much in the daytime, but this was made up for at night. The most humorous was performed by Jim Dodd, much to his embarrassment, had to put on women's clothes. This got pretty technical before he was done. There were also other interesting stunts. After the initiation, there was a party with dancing and refreshments. The freshmen enjoyed all the things that happened this initiation day and I think we should have a party to repay the sophomores - John Vasey.

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