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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Commencement Program in High School Auditorium on May 23, 1952: Processional -

Mrs. Florence Lewis; Invocation - Rev. Louis Joslin; "Sweetest Story Ever Told" - Girls' Sextet; Address - Loren Lair, Executive Secretary of Iowa Christian Missionary Society; Presentation of Diplomas - L. D. Holland, Pres. of School Board; "Gin' Home" - Mixed Group; Benediction - Rev. Joslin; Recessional - Mrs. Florence Lewis. Class Roll: John Carver, Donald Coughenour, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Larry Heintz, Philip Holland, Rhineardt Kilker, Carolyn Long, Virginia Mead, Joy Milligan, Reno Milligan, Crystal Moore, Darrel Moses, Shirley Smith, Bonnie Snyder, Virgin Swaim.

Class Motto: Enjoy What You Have, Work for What You Lack. Class Colors: Orchid and Silver. Class Flower: Red Rose.

May 29, 1952 High School Awards made at Class Day Exercises on May 26: Perfect Attendance - Max Bach, Ronnie Long, John Duesbury (four years of high school), Dale Derby; Activity Pins to seniors who receive 200 points or more throughout their high school years - Virginia Mead, Shirley Smith, Carolyn Long, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Larry Heintz, Phil Holland; Citizenship Pins - Shirley Smith and Larry Heintz; The Danforth Foundation certificate for outstanding qualities and leadership - Shirley Smith and Larry Heintz; Valedictorian - Larry Heintz; Salutatorian - Shirley Smith and John Duesbury tied; Iowa State Bar Association Pin and Certificate as the seniors' outstanding citizen - Shirley Smith; Athletic Awards, Girls Basketball - Virginia Mead, Carolyn Long, Joy Milligan, Shirley Smith, Crystal Moore, Dorothy Long, Phyllis Carroll, Dolores Milligan, Bonnie Snyder (Student manager). Athletic Awards, Cheerleaders - Reda Smith, Janet Evans, Maris Slauson; Athletic Awards, Boys Basketball - Phil Holland, Erwin Frerichs, John Duesbury, Larry Heintz, Norman Baker, Jack Kilgore, Don Johnson (53), Carroll Smith, Darrel Moses (Student manager); Athletic Awards, Baseball - Phil Holland, Larry Heintz, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Rhineardt Kilker, Carroll Smith, Jack Kilgore, Ronnie Long, Jack Koehler, Dale Derby.

Comments From a 1952 Graduate - Attending the 50th Anniversary Alumni Banquet can bring forth unexpected experiences, namely distant feelings changing to realization of my tremendous good fortune to attend Collins Community School 1940-52. When scanning the banquet room and recognizing most of the graduates before me and lesser of those after me, living away from Collins near 50 years, I fully realized the Collins Community School of my era and numerous other eras ended 19 years earlier. Our school of 1882 - 1983 (101 years) is merged into the Collins-Maxwell Community School July 1983.

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