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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Last Monday evening the Collins Grade School, Junior High, and High School furnished the Parents-Teachers Association (P.T.A.) programpresenting the following: High School Band; Sandra Long - Piano Solo "Waltz in D Flat;" Zola Gilley - Vocal Solo "The Wind;" Verla Mae Etnier and Claretta Smith - Piano Duet "Little Lead Soldier;" Girls Trio - "Alice Blue Gown;" Norman Baker - Vocal Solo "The House by the Side of the Road;" Girls Sextet - "Make Believe;" Junior Boys' Chorus - "A Song of Friendship," "My Spanish Guitar," "Hail to Our School;" Seventh and Eighth Grades - "March of the Men of Harlech," "In the Evening by the Moonlight," "The Drunken Sailer;" H. S. Girls' Chorus - "The World is Waiting for the Sunrise," "My Hero;' H. S. Mixed Chorus - "Shining Water," "Kentucky Babe;" H. S. Boys' Chorus - "Pickin' Cotton."

Supt. Jackson took six seniors to visit and tour Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa.

April 10, 1952 A Basketball Banquet was held in honor of the girls and boys basketball teams on the evening of March 4 with a potluck dinner and program in the school gym. The tables were beautifully decorated with the school colors of blue and white and bouquets of jonquils. There was group singing and Mr. and Mrs. Hart, teachers, sang two solos. Supt. Jackson made a brief presentation followed by Coach Schrader's presentation of the teams and also announced the players selected on the All-Conference team. A guest speaker of the evening was Mr. Lingard, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in Marshalltown. We wish to express our appreciation to our parents and teachers for this event and to the Collins Commercial Club for the bouquet of jonquils and roses for each of the players. Also, for paying the expenses for the speaker of the evening. Thanks again. Collins Clipperettes and Clippers.

April 17, 1952 Honor Roll: Freshmen - Gene Fitzgerald, Janet Evans, Mary McGrane, Maris Slauson; Soph's - Gary Coughenour, Dale Derby, Howard Hofer, D. G. Partridge, Reda Smith; Juniors - Jack Koehler, Lee Ann Ridgeway; Seniors - Larry Heintz, John Duesbury, Shirley Smith. Rating system: A = 8 points, B = 6 points, C = 4 points, D = 2 points. Perfect attendance = 2 points.

Grade News: Third - In Language, we have been writing stories of our own experiences. We try to make them funny, exciting, or surprising. In Arithmetic, we are dividing with two's. In Reading, we are learning to recognize the form and meaning of "root" words with the suffixes ed, ness, and ing added. In Geography, we are studying about building materials and we made a survey of our own homes and found many different kinds of materials had been used in their construction.

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