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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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The boys racked up their eleventh win of the season by victory over Zearing 64-40. The Clippers had 34-18 halftime lead. Lineup: Jack Kilgore (55) (f) 0 pts; Erwin Frerichs (52) (f) 22 pts.; Phil Holland (52) (c) 20 pts.; John Duesbury (52) (g) 9 pts.; Norman Baker (54) (g) 4 pts.; Larry Heintz (52) (c) 1 pt.; Carroll Smith (53) (g) 0 pts.; Don Johnson (53) (f) 7 pts.; Gene Fitzgerald (55) (g) 0 pts.; Ron Long (55) (g) 0 pts.; Jack Koehler (53) (g) 1 pt.; Dale Derby (54) (f) 0 pts.

January 17, 1952 Basketball - The girls won their fifth conference game, winning over Maxwell 39-32. Collins had halftime lead 19-14. Lineup: Carolyn Long (52) (f) 11 pts.; Virginia Mead (52) (f) 13 pts.; Dorothy Long (53) (f-p) 15 pts.; Crystal Moore (52) (f) 0 pts.; Joy Milligan (52) (g); Shirley Smith (52)(g-p); Dolores Milligan (53) (g); Phyllis Carroll (53) (f-g) 0 pts.; Susie Battles (g); Reda Smith (54)(g); Maris Slauson (55) (g).

The Collins boys won another tough one from Maxwell 54-39. The Maxwell five played a nip and tuck for three quarters before falling back. Maxwell had a three-point lead at the first quarter and one-point 22-21 halftime lead. The last period Collins dumped in 18 points to Maxwell's 5 for the 54-39 win. Lineup: Jack Kilgore (55) (f) 4 pts; Erwin Frerichs (52) (f) 17 pts.; Phil Holland (52) (c) 29 pts.; John Duesbury (52) (g) 3 pts.; Norman Baker (54) (g) 1 pt.; Larry Heintz (52) (c) 0 pts.; Carroll Smith (53) (g) 0 pts.; Don Johnson (53) (f) 0 pts.; Gene Fitzgerald (55) (g) 0 pts.; Ron Long (55) (g) 0 pts.; Jack Koehler (53) (g) 0 pts.; Dale Derby (54) (f) 0 pts.

Basketball - Collins girls lost to Huxley 56-39 for their fifth conference loss. Lineup: Carolyn Long (52) (f) 13pts.; Virginia Mead (52) (f) 4 pts.; Dorothy Long (53) (f-p) 22 pts.; Crystal Moore (52) (f) 0 pts.; Joy Milligan (52) (g); Shirley Smith (52) (g-p); Phyllis Carroll (53) (g) 0 pts.; Dolores Milligan (53) (g); Susie Battles (g); Reda Smith (54) (g); Maris Slauson (55) (g).

The boys again defeated Huxley 61-40, holding a 38-12 halftime lead. Huxley made a strong comeback in the third quarter, but Collins held onto the lead. Duesbury and Baker played good floor games. The Clippers made 11 of 15 gift tosses. Lineup: Jack Kilgore (55) (f) 0 pts; Erwin Frerichs (52) (f) 18 pts.; Phil Holland (52) (c) 21 pts.; John Duesbury (52) (g) 6 pts.; Norman Baker (54) (g) 7 pts.; Larry Heintz (52) (c) 0 pts.; Carroll Smith (53) (g) 0 pts.; Don Johnson (53) (f) 9 pts.; Gene Fitzgerald (55) (g) 0 pts.; Ron Long (55) (g) 0 pts.; Jack Koehler (53) (g) 0 pts.; Dale Derby (54) (f) 0 pts.

Grade News: Second - In Reading we have started a new book, "Friends and Neighbors." In Language, we have talked about words that are opposite and used them in sentences. Some of the children also made large pictures of a story from their reading book. Third - We have been busy this week reviewing our years' work and taking semester tests.

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