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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Seniors selected their class colors, motto and type of announcements. Our class motto is "In Ourselves our Future Lies." Class colors are chartreuse and black.

March 1, 1951 Boys Sectional Basketball Tournament at State Center: First round - Collins won over Melbourne 61-49, leading at the first quarter mark 17-9 and had an eight-point half-time lead. They continued their double-digit lead in the second half for the 61-49 outcome.

(Lineup not found).

Semifinals - The Collins Clippers got off to a fast start against a highly praised Van Cleve team. The Clippers led at the first quarter 22-9, half-time 30-14, and final score Collins over Van Cleve 51-33. Scoring honors went to Phil Holland with 22 points and Kenny Carroll 12. (Insert 2005: Lineup not found.)

Final round - The hard playing Collins boys won the Sectional Tournament championship by defeating State Center 55-49 on February 24. The Clippers were off to a slow start, trailing State Center at the first quarter 14-11 and half-time 26-23. It was in the third quarter that the Clippers pulled ahead of State Center and held the lead for the remainder of the game. State Center rallied in the fourth quarter, but was unable to overtake the Clippers 55-49. The game scoring honors went to Phil Holland with 25 points. (Insert 2005: Lineup not found) The Clippers will meet Sheldahl at Ames in the Armory on the Iowa State (College) University campus on March 5 in the District Tournament.

March 8, 1951 Senior Ambitions: Arlin Dodd - Lion Tamer; Carolyn Stratton - Private Secretary; Kenneth Carroll - Atomic Engineer; Phyllis Baker - Navy Nurse; Max Liggett - Admiral in the Navy; Barbara Kimberley - Private Secretary; Norma Keagle - Beauty Operator; Nora Neale - Housewife; Lola Oswalt - Sing with a Band; Larry Smith - Band Leader; Norma Evans - Dancing Teacher; Bonnie Long - Secretary; Larry Patterson - Vice President of DuPont Corporation.

Boys District Basketball Tournament in Armory at Iowa State (College) University Campus: First round - Collins boys played inferior basketball against a good Sheldahl team, losing 52-44. (Insert: No lineup found)

Grade News: Kindergarten - For Science, the children are planting different kinds of seeds to watch them grow. Our room, decorated with kites, baby chickens, and birds is looking like spring might be just around the corner. Second - We have completed our health and personal development book called "Three Friends." In Science, we have learned that all animals depend on plants for life. Celayne Elliott has not missed a word in spelling for two consecutive six-week periods. Junior High - The Junior High girls' basketball team played the freshmen and sophomore girls. The score was 20-10 in favor of freshmen/sophomore girls.

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