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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Basketball - The girls lost a conference game to Slater 41 - 40. The Collins forwards were handicapped by not being able to hit the basket until the third quarter. The guards did a good job of holding Slater forwards to 16 field goals. Lineup: Barbara Kimberley (f) 7 pts.; Carolyn Long (f) 2 pts.; Bonnie Long (f-p) 19 pts.; Dorothy Long (f) 2 pts.; Virginia Mead (f) 12 pts.; Phyllis Carroll (f) 0 pts.; Lola Oswalt (g-p); Phyllis Baker (g); Joy Milligan (g); Shirley Smith (g-p); Norma Keagle (g); Delores Gilley (g).

The boys won a conference game defeating Slater 53-30. Phil Holland put in 23 points. Frerichs looked good on ball handling. Lineup: Larry Smith (f) 10 pts.; Erwin Frerichs (f) 6 pts.; Phil Holland (c) 23 pts.; Kenny Carroll (g) 10 pts.; John Duesbury (g) 2 pts.; Larry Heintz (c) 0 pts.; Carrol Smith (g) 0 pts; Don Johnson (g) 0 pts; Reno Milligan (f) 0 pts.; Rhineardt Kilker (f) 2 pts.; Norman Baker (g) 0 pts.

December 23, 1950 through January 11, 1951 - Holliday Vacation Time

January 18, 1951 Collins Adult Evening School will have guest speaker Margarete Farr of the Landscape Architect Dept. of Iowa State (College) University on January 22. The Farmer class is inviting the Homemaking class and the Music Group to attend this meeting.

Story County Girls Basketball Tournament: Collins won their first-round game with an upset victory over Colo 44-40 at Colo. Both teams played grand basketball and the playing was fast and furious at times. High scorers for Collins were Bonnie Long - 20 and Barbara Kimberley - 19. Lineup: Barbara Kimberley (f) 19 pts; Bonnie Long (f-p) 20 pts; Virginia Mead (f) 0 pts.; Dorothy Long (f) 0 pts.; Carolyn Long (f) 5 pts.; Lola Oswalt (g-p); Phyllis Baker (g); Joy Milligan (g); Shirley Smith (g-p); Phyllis Carroll (g); Norma Keagle (g).

Second round - The Collins girls won over Zearing 35-29. Barb Kimberley was leading scorer with 20 points. (Insert 2005: Lineup not found)

Semifinals - Gilbert won over Collins 55-49 in a very competitive game. (Insert 2005: Lineup not found)

Consolation - Girls played another close game, losing by only four points to Fernald 41-37, placing fourth. (Insert 2005: Lineup not found)

January 25, 1951 A special project, the senior home ec girls have been fixing up the girls shower room by making curtains for the windows and showers. They also redecorated the bulletin board and painted the benches. The girls had a bake sale January 20 in the Collins Locker Plant to finance the project. Proceeds were $12.70.

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