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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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May 31, 1920 School board met in adjourned session at the High School building meeting. The returns of a special Election held on May 29th 1920 of the Electors of the Consolidated Independent School District of Collins, Twp. To vote upon the following proposition: Shall the Consolidated Independent School District of Collins Twp., Story County, Iowa, issue Bonds in the sum of $125,00.00 to build and equip and purchase additional ground, was presented and read. The report of said Judges of election was accepted and placed on file. (Insert 2003: Bond issue passed and Board proceeded with bid letting and building construction.)

September 2, 1920 School Opens next Monday The Collins Consolidated School will open next Monday, September 6th. The school has been put into first class condition. Four of the rural buildings have been moved in and placed south of the old school building. They will be temporarily used until the new building will be put up next year. Following is a list of the teachers for the ensuring year: C. W. Kirk - Supt.; E. Grace Kimberley - Principal, Marshalltown - History, Civics and Political Economy; Carrie V. Streffler, LeMars - English and Latin; Phoebe Cocoan, Cedar Falls - Mathematic and Physics; Clare Kasischke, Buckeye - Home Economics, Physiology and General Science; Vacant - Manual Training and Agriculture; Miss Clara Signs, Collins - Eighth Grade; Miss Hazel Holmes, Collins - Seventh Grade; Miss Nellie Claver, Mount Ayr - Sixth Grade; Miss Ina Marmou, Des Moines - Fifth Grade; Miss Leah Elliott, Collins - Fourth Grade; Pearl Wax, Springfield, Kansas - Third Grade; Eleanor Plank, Tipton - Second Grade; Jessie Frazier, Morning Sun - First Grade.

September 2, 1920 School Routes and Haulers Route No. 1, Hugh Fertig, commencing at A. L. Pitcher’s: Route No. 2, Lowell Carver, commencing at T. H. Carver’s; Route No. 3, Sam Patterson, commencing at Mr. Allen’s; Route No. 4, Tom Jones, commencing at W. A. Ozmun’s; Route No. 5, Henry Stratton, commencing at Ben Phares’; Route No. 6, Hiram Rutter, commencing at Earl McCord’s; Route No. 7, Sid Atkinson, commencing at the old Dunahoo farm; Route No. 8, G. F. Holland, commencing at Chas. McCord’s; Route No. 9, Lowell Oswalt, commencing at John Link’s; Route No. 10, Wm. Robinson, commencing at Wm. Luing’s. The above routes are subject to change when deemed necessary. All students are under the strict supervision of the haulers, and misconduct or behavior will be reported just the same as tho you were in the school room. The use of tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited by law, likewise any profane language of any nature. (Insert 2003: All school buses were horse drawn. Spring 1922 picture shows horses, bus drivers and student passengers. Bus routes likely quite short, 3-6 miles and 12 – 15 children passengers.) (Insert 2004: See Aug. 29, 1940, added information.)

November 14, 1920 Collins High School basketball played Cambridge High School team here yesterday and won by a score of 11-5. (First basketball score found.)

November 18, 1920 Collins Consolidated School to have fine new Motion Picture Projector. This is made possible through courtesy of the Curtis Publishing Co. who are giving the school one-half of every subscription taken for the Country Gentleman, a National Farm Weekly recognized as leader in its class. The subscription price is $1.00 per year. Everybody is asked to help this good work along. Just give your

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