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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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December 21, 1950 The faculty of the school held a Christmas Frolic in the home economic rooms of the high school building on December 20. Supper consisted of oyster stew, relishes, angel food cake, coffee and Christmas candies.

The sixth hour group of homemaking girls held a Christmas party on the afternoon of December 21. Refreshments of popcorn, apples, candy and pop were enjoyed. Christmas games were played and gifts exchanged. The second group of homemaking girls held its party during the seventh period. Pines served as decorations above the doors, the Christmas tree stood beneath the window, centerpieces made by the class decorated the bookshelves. The refreshments were sandwiches, chocolate cake and pop. Names were drawn and gifts exchanged.

Grade News - 1st The children all had a hand in decorating their Christmas tree. We set it on a table covered with cotton snow, sprinkled with bright colored bits. Our bulletin board carries a spray of evergreens tied with red, a large picture of Santa, two Christmas angel pictures and little cutout paper toys. 2nd We have our Christmas tree stands before a simulated red brick chimney on the north wall. Our decorations are big and bold and offered a worthwhile project for second graders. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades all have extensively prepared Christmas decorations in their respective rooms.

Basketball - The Junior High girls lost to Maxwell 12-8 and the boys also lost to Maxwell 35-15. (Insert 2005: No lineup found)

Basketball - The girls defeated Zearing on their floor 52-40. The guards did a good job of limiting the Zearing forwards' field goals and committing only six fouls. Lineup: Barbara Kimberley (f) 14 pts.; Carolyn Long (f) 12 pts.; Bonnie Long (f-p) 24 pts.; Dorothy Long (f) 2 pts.; Virginia Mead (f) 0 pts.; Phyllis Carroll (f) 0 pts.; Lola Oswalt (g-p); Phyllis Baker (g); Joy Milligan (g); Shirley Smith (g-p); Norma Keagle (g).

The boys won a non-conference from Zearing by the easy margin of 70-33 with Collins ahead all the way. The Collins second team played well during the last half of the game. Lineup: Larry Smith (f) 10 pts.; Erwin Frerichs (f) 12 pts.; Phil Holland (c) 21 pts.; Kenny Carroll (g) 15 pts.; John Duesbury (g) 8 pts.; Larry Heintz (c) 2 pts.; Carrol Smith (g) 2 pts; Don Johnson (g) 0 pts; Reno Milligan (f) 0 pts.; Rhineardt Kilker (f) 0 pts.; Norman Baker (g) 0 pts. (Insert 2005: Max Liggett, starting guard, had an appendix operation a few days before this game. He was unable to resume play until early February.)

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