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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Baseball - Scheduled Baseball Games: Collins won: Huxley 8-1, Slater 11-8; Cambridge 9-0. Games lost - none. (Box scores not found on these games)

September 28, 1950 Boys' Sectional Baseball Tournament: First round - The boys had victory over Van Cleve 4-1. Holland pitched 7 innings: Runs -1, hits - 3, strikeouts - 12, walks (?). Duesbury, Holland and C. Smith led the batting with two hits each. Max Liggitt caught.

Semifinals - Collins defeated Rhodes 8-1. Duesbury pitched 7 innings. Runs - 1, hits - 4, strikeouts - 12, walks - 0. Holland caught. Collins collected 10 hits. Larry Smith paced the batting with three hits, including a home run.

Final round - Collins polished off Farrar 10-0 in three innings because of the 10-run rule to win the sectional championship. Phil Holland and Don Johnson did the pitching. Leading batters were Liggett with two hits and Larry Smith with a triple. (Insert 2005: Box score not found on any of above games)

Grade News - 3rd In Geography, we studied about the cave people. Then we took a test. Also we drew pictures of the cave people in art. We have some books from the library. Our teacher is reading us the book, "Heidi."

October 5, 1950 Junior ABC's Agreeable - Betty Boozell; Brainy - Larry Henitz; Clever - Virgil Swaim; Devilish - Rhineardt Kilker; Eager - Reno Milligan; Friendly - Carolyn Long; Generous - Virginia Mead; Hep - Crystal Moore; Industrious - John Duesbury; Jokey - Donald Coughenour; Keen - Shirley Smith; Likeable - Bonnie Snyder; Meek - Rosieva Cannon; Noisy - Reno Milligan; Orderly - Joy Milligan; Pleasant - Philip Holland; Quiet - John Carver; Reckless - Darrel Moses; Smart - Larry Heintz; Talented - Shirley Smith; Unchangeable - Carolyn Long; Vigorous - Virginia Mead; Wolf - Virgil Swaim; Xasperating - Donald Coughenour; Yearning - Bonnie Snyder; Zealous - John Duesbury.

Grade News - Kindergarten This week we have been busy making a little booklet about our family. For Music, we are enjoying the song about "The Bus." Allen brought us two puzzles, which we will have much fun working with. 2nd We began our new second grade readers and workbooks, "Friends and Neighbors" today. 3rd We have been learning many new songs in Music. Most of the children in our room are getting Tonettes and will be learning to play them for part of our music class. A number of girls are learning to twirl batons. Mrs. Lewis is teaching a number of girls in our room how to twirl the baton.

District Baseball Tournament at McCallsburg: In the first round game, Collins defeated Zearing 11-1 going only six innings because of the 10-run rule. Holland pitched 6 innings. Runs - 1, hits - 4, strikeouts - 8, walks (?). Liggett caught.

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