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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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August 10, 1950 Collins new superintendent E. E. Jackson announces the opening date of the local school is Monday, September 4. The faculty is: E. E. Jackson - Supt. (Resides in school district's residence property); Robert Lawson - Prin. and Commercial (Apartment at Wayne Laughlin's); Louis Schrader - Social Science, Boys' Coach, Shop (Apartment in school district's residence property); Florence Lewis - Music (Reside in Mrs. Elmer Bence home); Margie Smith - English and Dramatics (Reside in A. W. Kracht home); Dorothy Riddle - Home Ec and Science (Apartment in F. W. Renfeldt home); Gene Bunnelle - Junior High, Girls' Coach (Reside in Mrs. Ora Hanson home); Miriam Jackson - Junior High (part time); Ralph Maddox - Voc Ag. (Halftime Colo - Morning; Halftime Collins - Afternoon) (Resident in Colo); Vinessa Ferris - Sixth Grade (Reside in Alice Burney home); Grace Vincent - Fourth and Fifth Grades (Reside in Dennis Halterman home); Marie Jacobs - Third Grade (Reside in Mrs. Elmer Bence home); Florence Bowman - Second Grade (Reside in Mrs. Nettie Kimberley home); Clara Brown - First Grade (Apartment above Exchange State Bank); Gertrude Vroman - Kindergarten (Reside in Clarence/Reva Morrison home). Textbooks will be rented again as usual. Rental charge: Kindergarten through third $2.00. All other grades $2.50 for the year. Workbooks in high school will be extra. All high school students 9th grade through 12th grade are asked to report at the high school assembly room on August 15 to register. Mothers are requested to bring birth certificates and health certificates when they register beginners on September 4. Bus Routes will run somewhat as usual. Hot Lunches will be served with cost at 25 cents per meal. Cooks are: Mrs. Hazel Johnston, Mrs. Myra Vasey and Mrs. Flora Morrison.

September 14, 1950 A complete listing of pupils in Kindergarten through sixth grade is in this Collins Gazette paper.

Optic Paper Staff: Editor - Norma Keagle; Asst. Editor - Shirley Smith; Boys' Sports - Larry Smith; Girls' Sports - Bonnie Long; Music and Dramatics - Lola Oswalt; Home Ec - Carolyn Stratton; Agriculture - Kenneth Carroll; Typists - Barbara Kimberley, Nora Neale, Phyllis Baker. Sponsor - Miss Smith.

Election Day at the Collins School - 12th - Pres. - Barbara Kimberley; Vice Pres. - Norma Keable; Sec.- Carolyn Stratton; Treas. Lola Oswalt; Student Council - Kenneth Carroll. 11th Pres. - Larry Heintz; Vice Pres. - Erwin Frerichs; Sec.- Treas. Shirley Smith; Student Council - John Carver. 10th Pres. - Phyllis Carroll; Vice Pres. - Donald Johnson; Sec.- Dorothy Long; Treas. Delores Milligan. 9th Pres. - Jim Anderson; Vice Pres. - Dick Thomas; Sec./Treas. Bill Buck.

September 21, 1950 Grade News - Kindergarten 28 pupils, 10 boys and 18 girls. We are having much fun getting to know each other. 3rd In Science we have been bringing leaves and weeds to school and studying about them. We have been practicing our small letters in penmanship. 5th and 6th We have our aquariums of tropical fish which we enjoyed last year. We had four babies arrive one day last week.

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