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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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April 6, 1950 The Senior Class Play will present their class play, "Petticoat Ranch" on Friday, April 14, at 8:00 P.M. in the high school auditorium. Cast: Dick Cory - Bill Ewing, Sheriff; Bob Johnson - B. C. Jackson, local banker; Willacine Taylor - Ma Manning, proprietor of Petticoat Ranch; Carol Atwood - Golden Manning, Ma Manning's daughter; Andy Zervins - Pedro Franco, the houseman; Lonnie Boozell - Don Gordon, tenderfoot visitor; Joyce Tomlinson - Mrs. Harrington, a guest at Petticoat Ranch; Dorothy Partridge - Barbara Harrington, her daughter; Bill Sager - Curley Clayton, foreman of the ranch; Connie Neale - Ellen Starr, daughter of neighboring rancher.

April 13, 1950 Editorial: In the Collins high school library there are many books of all kinds. A good share of the students don't realize that the use of these books for reference helps immensely in their studying. Also, there is a large assortment of interesting books for reading in leisure time. Mrs. Knapp and several student helpers have worked hard all year to make our library neat and well managed. Let's not pass up the opportunity that these books offer with their good reading material. However, don't forget to see that the book you take is properly checked out in your name by the librarian in charge.

A music festival will be presented Tuesday night, April 18, in the high school auditorium.

Grade News - 2nd Grade Gary Smith's reading group dramatized "The Man Who Kept House" for us. Robert Dodd's group dramatized "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." Then we drew pictures to illustrate the parts of the stories we enjoyed most. We also illustrated "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes" which Miss Jungmann read to us.

Honor Roll - 7th Janet Evans, Norma Jean Hollingsworth, Jack Kilgore, Ronnie Long, Mary McGrane, Clara Mae Maxwell, Na Dean Taylor, Maris Jo Slauson; 8th Bill Buck, Marilyn Carver; 9th Delores Gilley, Lee Ann Ridgeway, Shirley Shuey, Shirley Clement; 10th John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Joy Milligan, Shirley Smith; 11th Phyllis Baker, Norma Keagle, Barbara Kimberley, Bonnie Long, Lola Oswalt, Carolyn Stratton; 12th Carol Atwood, Bob McBride, Dorothy Partridge, Lane Rice, Joyce Tomlinson, Andris Zervins.

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