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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Basketball - Four wins for the boys and girls. Girls defeated Melbourne 39-28. The hometown girls led throughout the game. Lineup: Barbara Kimberley (f) 22 pts; Bonnie Long (f) 10 pts; Carolyn Long (f) 4 pts.; Dorothy Long (f) 2 pts.; Virginia Mead (f) 0 pts.; Norma Evans (f) 1 pt; Carol Atwood (g); Joanne Janes (g); Lola Oswalt (g); Phyllis Baker (g); Betty Boozell (g); Norma Keagle (g).

Boys won over Melbourne with all team members seeing action. Final score 43-22. Lineup: Dick Cory (f) 6 pts; Lonnie Boozell (f) 4 pts.; Phil Holland (c) 11 pts.; Bob McBride (g) 0 pts.; Bill Sager (g) 6 pts.; Larry Smith (f) 4 pts.; Carroll Smith (g) 2 pts.; Erwin Frerichs (g) 8 pts.; Kenneth Carroll (g) 1 pt.; John Runyan (g) 1 pt.; Max Liggett (g) 0 pts.; Rhineardt Kilker (g) 0 pts.; Darrel Moses (g) 0 pts.

Girls defeated Rhodes 55-32; boys won 43-22.

December 22, 1949 - Grade News: Kindergarten - The highlight this week was all about Christmas. The children are having a lot of fun practicing in the high school building; 1st - Christmas is a big topic of conversation among first graders. Miss Jungmann has filled stockings for each of us and hung them around the tree.

Basketball - The local girls were defeated at Slater by a score of 58-31. Barbara Kimberely led Collins' scoring with 17 points.

The boys won their tenth consecutive game by the close score of 38-35. Collins' boys missed their scoring center, Phil Holland, but his substitute, Bill Sager, did a fine job at center. Erwin Frerichs was also unable to play because of the mumps and unable to play for much of the season. Half-time score was in favor of Collins 22-20. Lineup: Dick Cory (f) 12 pts; Lonnie Boozell (f) 9 pts.; Bill Sager (c) 7 pts.; Kenneth Carroll (g) 7 pts.; Bob McBride (g) 3 pts.; Larry Smith (f) 0 pts.

December 29, 1949 Basketball - The boys are still undefeated, winning over the previously undefeated Mingo team, 46 -37 at Collins. Phil Holland led Collins with 21 points and Kenneth Carroll had 12 with outstanding Long one-handed shots. High point for Mingo was Gearhart with 14 points. Lineup: Dick Cory (f) 9 pts; Lonnie Boozell (f) 2 pts.; Phil Holland (c) 21 pts.; Bob McBride (g) 0 pts.; Bill Sager (g) 2 pts.; Kenneth Carroll (g) 12 pts.

The Girls also defeated Mingo in a fast game 35-30. Lineup: Barbara Kimberley (f) 13 pts; Bonnie Long (f) 15 pts; Carolyn Long (f) 4 pts.; Dorothy Long (f) 0 pts.; Virginia Mead (f) 3 pts.; Carol Atwood (g); Joanne Janes (g); Lola Oswalt (g); Phyllis Baker (g); Betty Boozell (g); Joy Milligan (g); Crystal Moore (g).

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