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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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The first reference found on a specific game is February 7, 1921 with Colo defeating Collins, 13 - 8 at Colo. The 1928-29 girls was the first Collins basketball team with undefeated scheduled game season, winning all eight scheduled games. Coach - Miss Ives, team members were: Forwards; Gertrude Smith, Arleen Pritchard, Genevieve Shickell; Guards; Harrett Sokol, Ethlyn Keagle, Beatrice Pritchard, Kathryn Kimberley; Center - Vilda Smith, Ruby Snapp; Side Center - Mildred Gearhart, Opal Vasey. (5-4-04 Insert of first time compiled career-scoring summary. Vicki (Mullihan) Keagle (1967) is the career "All Time" scoring leader with 2437 points in four year career; Freshman (63-64) = 466, Sophomore (64-65) = 595, Junior (65-66) = 734, Senior (66-67) = 642.) Georgiann (Briles) Koeder (1958) with 1969 points in four-year career was prior career scoring leader. The team's best year was 1955-56 with season record of 23 wins and 3 losses. They won the South Story Conference title; won 17 scheduled games with no losses, and took third place in the district tournament, losing to New Sharon who advanced into state tournament, in the semifinals.

The Iowa Hawkeye Girls Basketball program was the envy of many states for many years before Federal laws (near 1970) required greater equality for girls' athletics through the U.S.A.


August 4, 1949 High school new principal and coach, James Mairs is a newlywed, married July 30. The newlyweds will be living on the second floor apartment in the residence of superintendent and Mrs. McKee.

Collins school will open Monday, September 5. Busses will start at their usual time and the routes will be the same as last year. Faculty members: Supt. Dean McKee; H. S. Prin., Coach, Science - James Mairs; English - Ethel Shatwell; Home Ec, Speech - Bette Halterman; Voc Ag (Colo - one-half time in mornings; Collins - one-half time in afternoons) - Ralph Maddox; Music - David Hoover; Commerce - Mary Opperman; Junior High, Phys-Ed., World History - Don Christians; Junior High - Bertha Davidson; Fifth and Sixth - Vinessa Ferris; Fourth - open; Third - Mrs. Albert Nowlan; Second - Ruth Jungmann; First - Donna Ose; Kindergarten - Gertrude Vroman. Custodian - Walker Smith. Bus Drivers - Rt. 1 - Gerald Gilley; Rt. 2 - Henry Esch; Rt. 3 - Donald Huntrods; Rt. 4 - Fred Elliott; Rt. 5 - Byron Keagle.

August 23, 1949 Registration for High School and Junior High students will be held at the High School building August 30. Elementary School registration will be September 3. Kindergarten children who were registered last spring will not need to register this fall.

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