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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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April 14, 1949 Senior Class Play "The Woman Next Door," a three-act comedy drama. Cast - Lois Elliott - Erma Mortensen, Bea Clark - Ellen Ralston, Kathleen Kitchen - Cecile, Jo Ann Fertig - Madge, Charles Hofer - Rusty, Shirley Wilson - Molly Shane, Chris Buck - Sherman, Colleen Moore - Tess, Charles Fish - Rev. Scott, Don Barnes - Hanley Bridges. Synopsis: The story concerns two good friends and neighbors, widows with grown families, who after years of almost sisterly devotion to one another, suddenly become sworn enemies and set out to get even with each other in the most amazing and laughable ways.

Baseball - The boys won their season opener over Nevada 15-8. Lineup: Lonnie Boozell (50) (ss) 2 hits; Bob Johnson (50) (2b) 0 hits; Charles Fish (49) (3b) 1 hit; Phil Holland (52) (p-cf) 2 hits; Chris Buck (49) (cf-p) 0 hits; Dick Cory (50) (1b) 1 hit; Larry Smith (51) (rf) 0 hits; Charles Maxwell (c) 1 hit; John Runyan (50) (rf) 0 hits; Connie Smith (49) (lf) 1 hit.

State Center defeated Collins on the home field last Tuesday; 7-2. Lineup: Lonnie Boozell (ss) 1 hit; Bob Johnson (2b) 0 hits; Charles Fish (3b) 0 hits; Phil Holland (p-1b) 0 hits; Chris Buck (lb-p) 1 hit; Larry Smith (rf) 0 hits; Charles Maxwell (c) 0 hits; John Runyan (rf) 0 hits; Connie Smith (lf) 1 hit; Bill Sager (50) (of) 0 hits; Bob McBride (50) (cf) 0 hits.

April 21, 1949 Grade News:- 1st - We are all proud of the progress we've made in writing. At first, our hands got tired but now we're becoming more accustomed to writing for longer periods.

April 28, 1949 Pet Peeves of Faculty: Mr. McKee, Supt. - Chewing gum; Mr. Peer, Prin. - Singing Commercials; Mr. Harger , Coach - People making excuses for something they did; Mr. Rietveld, Voc ag - Conceited people; Mrs. Shatwell, English - Chewing gum; Mrs. Maifeld, Home Ec - Chewing gum.

What is Your Favorite Radio Program: Mr. McKee, Supt. - Alex Dryer News; Mr. Peer, Prin. - You Are There; Mr. Harger , Coach - Jack Benny; Mr. Rietveld, Voc ag - The Life of Riley; Mrs. Shatwell, English - Doctor I.Q.; Mrs. Maifeld, Home Ec - Fred Waring Show.

The baseball team fell for the second time to State Center on their diamond, 12-6. Collins scored all their runs in the last inning that included home run by Larry Smith. Dick Cory had 3 hits. Lineup: Lonnie Boozell (ss) 2 hits; Bob Johnson (2b) 1 hit; Chris Buck (cf) 1 hit; Phil Holland (p-rf) 1 hit; Connie Smith (3b) 2 hits; Dick Cory (1b) 3 hits; John Runyan (rf) 0 hits; Larry Smith (lf) 1 hit; Bob McBride (lf) 0 hits; Bill Hand (lf) 1 hit; Charles Maxwell (c) 0 hits; Kenneth Carroll (of) o hits; John Duesbury (p) 0 hits.

Grade News - 2nd We made PTA invitation for our mothers and fathers. We enjoyed singing in the program Tuesday evening. For health, we are studying about our teeth and the foods we should eat to keep them healthy. Tuesday we had a health test. 4th For opening exercises in the afternoon, Mrs. Moses, teacher, is reading The Bobbsey Twins. The book belongs to Donna Frerichs. In Arithmetic, we are learning to divide by two-digit divisors. After the first lesson, every student handed in a perfect paper. In History, we have been interested in studying the fall of the Roman empire. 5th and 6th grades are combined together in the same classroom.

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