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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Music News - The girls' glee club has started work on contest numbers and several individuals are preparing solos for contest. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades have been hearing about the lives of famous composers, Beethoven, Bach and Hydn, and singing some of the songs they wrote.

Story County Girls Basketball Tournament - Collins was defeated by Huxley 46-24 in first round game. Collins led at first quarter 12-7 with Huxley leading at halftime 18-16, third quarter 28-19 and final score of 46-24. Lineup: Jo Ann Fertig 14 pts.; Barbara Kimberley 5 pts.; Bonnie Long 5 pts.; Dorothy Long 0 pts.; Carol Atwood (g); Gail Clark (g); Shirley Wilson (g); Lola Oswalt (g); Betty Boozell (g); Elsie Coats (g).

January 27, 1949 Code of Sportsmanship - I will consider my athletic opponents and the officials as my guests and will treat them as such. I will cheer both teams as they come onto the field of play. I will applaud good plays made by either team. I will not applaud errors. I will not raze the players of either team or any official connected with either team. I will accept the officials as the proper authorities to make decisions and I will accept their decisions. I will not raze during the inflection of a penalty. I will consider it my privilege to encourage players and school authorities to live up to the spirit of the rules of whatever athletic association they may have. I will consider it my privilege and duty to promote the Code of Sportsmanship among players and fans at all times.

Honor Roll - 7th Grade - Bill Buck, Dale Derby, D. G. Partridge; 8th - Phyllis Carroll, Delores Milligan, Lee Ann Ridgeway, Shirley Shuey, Keith Weigel; 9th - John Carver, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Larry Heintz, Darrel Moses, Shirley Smith, Virgil Swaim; 10th - Norma Keagle, Barbara Kimberley, Max Liggett, Bonnie Long, Lola Oswalt; 11th Carol Atwood, Robert Johnson, Jackie Keagle, Bob McBride, Dorothy Partridge, Lane Rice, John Runyan, Bill Sager, Willacine Taylor, Joyce Tomlinson; 12th - Chris Buck, Lois Elliott, Jo Ann Fertig, Charles Fish, Bill Hand, Charles Hofer, Kathleen Kitchen, Shirley Wilson.

February 3, 1949 Girls Sectional Basketball Tournament at Maxwell: First round - Collins girls had a decisive victory over Van Cleve 37-7. Coach Harger cleared the bench. (Insert 2005: Box score not found)

Second round - Collins nudged Dunbar 35-33. Collins led at the first quarter 13-4, halftime 17-10, third quarter 27-20. Dunbar made a strong rally in the fourth quarter and falling only two points short for a Collins Victory 35-33. Lineup: Jo Ann Fertig 8 pts.; Barbara Kimberley 17pts.; Bonnie Long 10 pts.; Carol Atwood (g); Gail Clark (g); Shirley Wilson (g); Joanne Janes (g); Norma Evans (g).

Finals - Maxwell overcame Collins 40-29 to win the championship game. Collins was behind five points at the first, second and third quarter breaks. Lineup: Jo Ann Fertig 5 pts.; Barbara Kimberley 18 pts.; Bonnie Long 6 pts.; Carol Atwood (g); Gail Clark (g); Shirley Wilson (g); Lola Oswalt (g); Joanne Janes (g).

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