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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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November 25, 1948 Basketball - The boys team suffered their first loss of the season in a fast thriller at Farrar. Farrar (not available) Collins 38. Leading scorers were Buck 13, Boozell 10, Cory 7 points.

The girls took their first victory of the season by defeating Farrar 41-20. Leading scorers for Collins were Barbara Kimberley 16, Jo Ann Fertig 10, Bonnie Long 7. (Insert 2005: Box score not found for above games)

The girls also defeated Cambridge 40-35. Leading scorers for Collins were Barbara Kimberley 17, Jo Ann Fertig 12, Bonnie Long 11.

Freshman ABC's: Agreeable - Erwin Frerichs; Brainy - Larry Heintz; Clever - Carolyn Long; Devilish - Rhineardt Kilker; Eager - Reno Milligan; Frivolous - Joy Mulligan; Goody-Goody - Shirley Smith; Hep - Betty Boozell; Industrious - John Duesbury; Jolly - Darrel Moses; Keen - Virginia Mead; Likeable - Crystal Moore; Meek - Bonnie Snyder; Noisy - Rhineardt Kilker; Orderly - Shirley Smith; Popular - Carolyn Long; Quiet - Virgil Swaim; Reckless - Donald Coughenour; Stunning - Virginia Mead; Talented - Shirley Smith; Unchangeable - Bonnie Snyder; Vigorous - Crystal Moore; Witty - Darrel Moses; Xasperating - Reno Milligan; Yearning - Joy Milligan; Zealous - John Carver.

December 2, 1948 The New Coach, Floyd Harger has been engaged temporarily to succeed Herbert McCaw. Mr. McCaw recently re-entered the service. Mr. Harger is known to many in this part of the state having coached at Ankeny for four years (three Fontana brothers era).

Basketball - a capacity crowd of basketball fans at the Collins gym saw the Maxwell and Collins boys and girls teams divide honors between the two schools. Collins boys won 53-43 with nearly all the local squad members seeing action. Lonnie Boozell was high scorer for Collins with 20 points.

Maxwell won out in the girls' contest 48-41. High point for the locals was Barbara Kimberley with 15 points. (Insert 2005: Box score not found for above games)

December 9, 1948 Honor Roll: 8th - Donald Johnson, Dorothy Long, Delores Milligan, Lee Ann Ridgeway, Shirley Shuey, Keith Weigel. 9th - John Carver, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Larry Heintz, Shirley Smith. 10th - Barbara Kimberley, Max Liggett, Bonnie Long. 11th - Carol Atwood, Gail Clark, Joanne Janes, Robert Johnson, Jackie Keagle, Bob McBride, Dorothy Partridge, Bill Sager, Willacine Taylor, Joyce Tomlinson. 12th - Chris Buck, Jo Ann Fertig, Charles Hofer, Bill Hand, Charles Fish, Kathleen Kitchen, Colleen Moore, Jon Rietveld, Shirley Wilson.

Basketball girls defeated Colo 45-33. Scorers for Collins were Barbara Kimberley with 20, Jo Ann Fertig 13, Bonnie Long 12. Gail Clark, Carol Atwood, and Shirley Wilson led the strong defensive play.

The boys pounced to another victory, defeating Colo 42-28. The Lineup: Boozell 13 pts., Cory 5 pts., Buck 16 pts., McBride 3 pts., Fish 3 pts., L. Smith 2 pts., Hand 0 pts., Holland 0 pts.

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