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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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November 4, 1948 The cast for the Junior Class Play, "Papa Says, No" to be presented November 9. Bob McBride - Alonzo Page; Joanne Janes - Janet Page; Lonnie Boozell - Jack Prescott; Gail Clark - Miss Luella Watts; Jackie Keagle - Mrs. Helen Carter; John Runyan - Pete Carter; Lane Rice - Bill Sykes; Bill Sager - Joe; Dorothy Partridge - Toots; Arlene Baker - Sally; Carol Atwood - Liz; Lenora Barnes - Mrs. Hawkins; Bob Johnson - Detective; Shirley Shuey - Genevieve Hawkins.

Music - The following high school girls are presenting a short music program for the Farm Bureau meeting Monday night: Kathleen Kitchen, Shirley Wilson, Joyce Tomlinson, Lois Elliott, Norma Keagle, Jackie Keagle, Arlene Baker.

Music - We are very happy that our four high school students (10-28-48) trying out for the All-State Chorus were accepted. They go to Des Moines November 26 for another rehearsal and also to attend a rehearsal and broadcast of Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians as guests of the State Music Educators Association.

Home Ec - The freshmen are planning a dinner for the faculty Thursday. Lots of luck, kids. The junior high are fixing breakfast. They shouldn't be hungry for dinner.

The Collins Community Evening School again opens for another series of adult education on November 15. Supt. McKee will be instructor in an educational problem course; Prin. Dale Peer will offer his usual course in Current History; Mrs. Maifeld of Home Ec. will handle crafts for the home and Mr. Rietveld of Voc. Ag. will supervise ten lessons in general agriculture problems. Registration fee is $1.00 per person.

Grade News - 5th and 6th Grade Our aquarium is attracting a great deal of attention. We have six goldFish. Last weekend our teacher got a large snail for our aquarium. Monday we noticed a baby snail. Every day there have been more. Today, when the aquarium was cleaned, we counted eleven baby snails. Wednesday we had a special lesson on snails. Janet brought some snail shells that came from the Pacific Ocean. Eugene and David brought a small turtle.

November 18, 1948 Basketball: The boys won their first game of the season, defeating Rhodes 47-25. Halftime score - 28-8. Lineup: Lonnie Boozell (50) (f) 21 pts.; Dick Cory (50) (f) 5 pts.; Chris Buck (49) (c) 5 pts.; Bob McBride (50) (g) 5 pts.; Charles Fish (49) (g) 5 pts.; Bill Hand (49) (g) 4 pts; Jon Rietveld (49) (c) 2 pts; Kenny Carroll (51) (f) 0 pts.

The girls were defeated in their first game by Rhodes 34-26. Halftime score - Rhodes 18, Collins 16. Lineup: Jo Ann Fertig (49) (f) 4 pts.; Barbara Kimberley (51) (f) 19 pts.; Bonnie Long (51) (f) 3 pts.; Shirley Wilson (49) (g); Joanne Janes (50) (g); Carol Atwood (50) (g); Gail Clark (50 (g).

Grade News - 1st We have been talking about Pilgrims. We colored pictures of a Pilgrim girl and boy. It was interesting to learn they had no electric lights for their homes, but had to see by candlelight or light from the fireplaces. It was fun to make candles and also gave us an idea of how the Pilgrims made their candles. 4th In Reading class we are all working on choral reading for a few minutes each day. Part of the class are making Rhyme booklets. The others have completed one Reading book and have started a new one. We have learned the different markings on the globe and the zones in Geography. In History we have begun our study of early Egyptians.

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