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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Collins School Chronological Journey

Class officers: 12th - Pres. - Bill Hand; Vice Pres. - Shirley Wilson; Sec. - Jo Ann Fertig; Treas. - Lois Elliott; Student Council - Colleen Moore; 11th Pres. - John Runyan; Vice Pres. - Bob McBride; Sec. - Dick Cory; Treas. - Robert Johnson; Student Council - Bill Sager. 10th - Pres. - Max Liggett; Vice Pres. - Arlin Dodd; Sec.-Treas. - Larry Patterson; Student Council - Art Battles; 9th Pres. - Reno Milligan; Vice Pres. - Donald Coughenour; Sec.-Treas. - Virgil Swaim; Student Council - Rhineardt Kilker.

Vocational Agriculture - Fifteen boys in Farm Shop. We are working on building plans, figuring board feet and estimating cost of buildings from plans that we completed earlier.

Grade News - 1st We have learned to count to 50. We have been talking about homes in Social Science; 2nd Miss Ward has read the story "The Boxcar Children" and is now reading "Mickey Never Fails." We have been having fun listening to and telling stories for our language lessons. In each story we change our voices to different pitches. 4th In Geography, we have learned about the pygmies of Malaya. History is a new subject to the 4th grade. At present we are studying about the Old Stone Age. 5th and 6th There are 32 children in the room. We are trying to get adjusted to the regular routine.

The baseball team started with a bang, winning their first three games this year. Collins 7, Cambridge 4. Lineup: Dick Cory (50) (1b) 2 hits.; Chris Buck (49) (cf) 1 hit; Charles Fish (49) (3b) 1 hit; Bob Wilkening (49) (lf-p) 1 hit.; Phil Holland (52) (p-lf) 1 hit.; Charles Maxwell (c) 1 hit.; Bill Hand (49) (2b) 1 hit.; Bob Johnson (50) (2b) 1 hit; Lonnie Boozell (50) (ss) 0 hits; Bill Sager (50) (rf) 0 hits; Bob McBride (50) (rf) 1 hit.

Collins 7, Rhodes 3. Lineup: Dick Cory (1b) 1 hit.; Chris Buck (cf) 1 hit; Charles Fish (3b) 2 hits; Bob Wilkening (lf-p) 0 hits; Phil Holland (p) 1 hit.; John Duesbury (52) (p) 0 hits; Bob McBride (p-lf) 0 hits; Charles Maxwell (c) 1 hit; Bill Hand (2b) 0 hits; Bob Johnson (2b) 0 hits; Lonnie Boozell (ss) 1 hit; Bill Sager (rf) 0 hits; Darrel Moses (52) (rf) 0 hits.

Collins 3, Huxley 2. Lonnie Boozell hit a home run, Bob Johnson, a triple and Phil Holland struck out 15 opposing batters. Lineup: Holland (p) o hits; Boozell (ss) 2 hits; Cory (1b) 1 hit; Wilkening (lf) 1 hit; Hand (2b) 1 hit; Johnson (3b) 1 hit; Maxwell (c) 0 hits; Buck (cf) 0 hits; Sager (rf) 0 hits; McBride (rf) 0 hits.

September 23, 1948 A High School dance was given by the senior class Friday night, Sept. 17 with the theme of Mardi Gras. The highlight of the evening was Colleen Moore and Shirley Wilson singing "My Happiness" accompanied by Lois Elliott. A grand march followed. Refreshments were served. Everyone had a grand time and we hope to have more high school dances.

Freshmen Pet Peeves: Betty Boozell - General Science; John Carver - My sister; Donald Coughenour - People messing up my hair; John Duesbury - None; Erwin Frerichs - None; Larry Heintz - None; Phil Holland - Girls; Rhineardt Kilker - Flat tires on my bike; Carolyn Long - Certain people making bets about me; Virginia Mead - People talking all the time during the show; Joy Mulligan - Washing dishes; Reno Milligan - Guys hitting me; Crystal Moore - General Science; Darrel Moses - Guys rubbing their hands over my butch haircut; Shirley Smith - My little sisters; Virgil Swaim - My sister.

Part VI Era: Fall 1948 - Spring 1952

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