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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 6: Fall 1948–Spring 1952

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Part VI Era: Fall 1948 - Spring 1952

July 29, 1948 Throughout Story County Pre-School Clinics are being planned for children who will start school this fall. At the clinic, the local physician will examine children and make recommendations as needed. The program is aimed at discovering any defects in order that the necessary care or treatment may be given this summer. We urge you to take this opportunity for your child to be examined at Collins High School on August 6 at 10:00 A. M. A fifty-cent charge is made for the examination. Please bring to the clinic a sample of the child's urine.

August 19, 1948 Collins Schools to Open August 30 - The Faculty: All positions on the faculty have been filled. New teachers will be in charge of the following departments: Commerce - Miss Wilma Griswold; Home Economics - Mrs. Darrel Maifeld; Voc. Ag. - Howard L. Rietveld; Coach - Herbert McCaw (succeeding Vance Stead, who has moved to Ames where he is a student at Iowa State college in the Vocational Ag. Department). Music Instructor - Mrs. T. R. Ellefson; 6th Grade - Mrs. Vinessa Ferris; 2nd Grade - Mrs. Pauline Varce; Kindergarten - Miss Mary Jean Radamacher. (So many children are five years old have been registered that not all the children who would like to attend can be accommodated as 25 make a full room.) Returning faculty: Supt. - Dean McKee; H. S. Prin., Math, and Science - Dale Peer; English and Dramatics - Mrs. Ethel Shatwell; 4th Grade - Mrs. Anna MOses; 3rd Grade - Miss Mary Ward; 1st Grade - Mrs. Donna Ose; Custodian - Walker Smith; Bus Drivers - Byron Keagle, Henry Esch, Berle Robinson, Donald Huntrods, 5th driver to be hired. School registration to be completed before August 28. Cooks - Mrs. Mabel Atkinson, Mrs. Hazel Johnston, Mrs. Myra Vasey and Mrs. Flora Morrison.

September 9, 1948 The Collins School has 240 students enrolled, 171 in grades 1 through 8 and 69 in high school (9-12): Kindergarten - 32; First - 25; Second - 22; Third - 15; Fourth - 17; Fifth - 15; Sixth - 17; Seventh - 14; Eighth - 14; Ninth - 17; Tenth - 18; Eleventh - 18; Twelfth -16. (Complete listing of students is in the 9-9-48 issue of the Collins Gazette.)

September 16, 1948 The initial meeting of Collins PTA is Sept. 21 with potluck dinner in the grade school building. The teachers will be introduced and there will be a short talk by County Supt. Schindler. Officers of the PTA are: Norman Partridge - Pres.; Lloyd Campbell - Vice Pres.; Anna MOses - Sec.; Dale Peer - Treas.

School Optic Staff - Editor - Lois Elliott; Asst. Editor - Jackie Keagle ; Girls' Sports - Colleen Moore; Boys' Sports - Chris Buck; Music/Dramatics - Kathleen Kitchen; Home Ec. - Shirley Wilson; Voc. Ag. - Charles Hofer; Typists - Jo Ann Fertig; Bea Clark; Elsie Coates; Sponsor - Miss Griswold.

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