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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Team Members - starting five: Ronnie Halterman (48) (f) 326; George Tiffany (48) (f) 151;

Marlin Long (48) (c) 213; Gene Atwood (48) (g) 254; Ronnie Stratton (48) (g) 34. Other team members: Lonnie Boozell (50) (g) 56; Dick Cory (50) (f) 38; Bob Baker (48) (g-f) 28; Chris Buck (49) (c) 16; Charles Maxwell (g) 6; Kenny Carroll (51) (g) 4; Larry Smith (51) (g) 2. Collins team points - 1127, Opponents - 811. Outstanding Season Record: Won 21 - Lost 5; South Story Conference Champions; Second place in Story County Tournament. Coach - Vance Stead.

April 1, 1948 Senior Play Seniors have chosen "Million Dollar Cook." The cast is Alma Bach, George Tiffany, Bob Baker, Ronnie Stratton, Doris Ball, Doris Caulkins, Anna Van Pilsum, Lois Maxwell, Beverly Liggett, Norma Vasey, and La Von Johnson.

The Speech Class has selected plays, which they will present in late April. "Don't Feed the Animals" with cast members: Bob Wilkening, Bill Hand, Colleen Moore, Anna Van Pilsum, Bea Clark, La Von Johnson, Norma Vasey, with Director - Doris Caulkins. "Weather or No" with cast members: Bev Wendell, Jo Ann Fertig, Marlin Long, Kathleen Kitchen, Ronnie Stratton, Ronnie Halterman, with Director Lois Maxwell. "First Class Matter" with cast members: Shirley Wilson, Elsie Coates, Charles Hofer, Richard Moses, with Director Dee Gardner.

Boys Sports: Spring is here and a squad of 23 boys turned out for baseBall practice. Not to be forgotten in the midst of baseBall is our track team as there are several good runners and field events men this year.

Grade News: Fifth and Sixth - In science we learned how the arm muscles work and the names of the arm bones. A bone was brought in showing where the ligaments were attached and how the joints work. The sixth grade is beginning to work on decimal fractions.

April 8, 1948 BaseBall - After having their opponents blanked 3-0 up to the 6th inning, Collins baseBall team dropped the season opener to Nevada on the local diamond 6-3. The visitors scored all their runs in the 6th inning. Halterman and Wilkening pitched for Collins with Long catching.

What is your favorite song? Anna Van Pilsum - Whiffenpoof Song, Alma Bach - Because, Lane Rice - Golden Earrings, Lola Oswalt - Four Leaf Clover, George Tiffany - Make Believe, Bob McBride - Serenade of the Bells, Lois Elliott - Now is the Hour, Colleen Moore - Beg Your Pardon, Ronnie Halterman - Now is the Hour, Nora Neale - Now is the Hour, Charles Hofer - Too Fat Polka, Connie Neale - Slap `Er Down Again, Pa.

April 15, 1948 Ideal Senior Boy and Girl: Face - Gene Atwood, Ramona Beavers, Profile - Ronnie Halterman, Doris Caulkins, Hair - Marlin Long, Jean Coughenour, Eyes - Ronnie Stratton, Ramona Beavers, Dee Gardner, Margaret Maxwell, Complexion - Gene Atwood, Darlene Haley, Figure - Doris Caulkins, Physique - Marlin Long, Personality - Ronnie Stratton, Beverly Liggett, Dee Gardner, Popular - Ronnie Stratton, Doris Caulkins, Neatest - Ronnie Halterman, Beverly Liggett, Wittiest - Ronnie Stratton, Ramona Beavers, Smartest - Gene Atwood, Darlene Haley, Best Looking - Ronnie Halterman, La Von Johnson, Quietest - Gene Atwood, Jean Coughenour, Peppiest - Ronnie Stratton, Lois Maxwell, Laugh - Ronnie Halterman, Ramona Beavers.

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