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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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The girls defeated Kelley in a home game 33-24. Lineup: Gardner (f) 14 pts; Kimberley (f) 11 pts; Fertig (f) 8 pts; Long (f) 0 pts; Atwood (g); Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); B. Clark (g); Wilson (g).

Boys final period rally fell six points short as time ran out, losing to Slater 44-39 on their floor. Lineup: Halterman (f) 7 pts; Tiffany (f) 2 pts.; Long (c) 17 pts; Atwood (g-f) 12 pts; Stratton (g) 0 pts.; Boozell (g) 0 pts.; Cory (f) 0 pts.; Baker (g-f) 0 pts.

The girls lost a hard-fought game at Slater 41-31. Lineup: Gardner (f) 10 pts; Kimberley (f) 9 pts; Fertig (f) 14 pts; Long (f) 0 pts; Atwood (g); Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); B. Clark (g); Wilson (g).

Favorite Hobbies: Bob Wilkening - Baseball, Lois Maxwell - Basketball, Jo Ann Fertig - Saddle Horses, Dee Gardner - Salt and Pepper Shakers, Gene Atwood - Basketball, Joyce Tomlinson - Drawing, Barbara Kimberley - Basketball, Arlin Dodd - Model Airplanes, Connie Neale - Sewing.

Grade News: First - We are practicing writing our letters correctly. We find it is easier to read our writing when our letters are made correctly and neatly. We are learning about the year. We found it is divided into days, weeks, months and seasons. We are learning the names of the days of the week. Second and Third - In science we made paper windmills to help us determine the direction and speed of the wind. The second grade is learning to do three-number addition. Some of the third grade know their multiplication tables to fives. Fourth - Mrs. Anna Moses is our new teacher, beginning this week, replacing Mrs. Robinson. Fifth and Sixth - We have started our science lessons. We learned that all food comes from green plants and that green plants can be found all over the world.

January 29, 1948 Girls Story County Basketball Tournament at Colo: Collinslost in the first round of the County Tournament to Colo 43-33. Lineup: Gardner (f) 15 pts; Kimberley (f) 12 pts; Fertig (f) 4 pts; Long (f) 0 pts; Atwood (g-f) 2 pts.; Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); B. Clark (g); Wilson (g); Oswalt (g).

Interview of Faculty - Donna Ose attended all twelve years of school at Collins. She attended Iowa State Teachers College in Cedar Falls and also the University of Colorado. Her previous teaching has been at Rhodes, Zearing, and Guthrie Center. The reason she likes teaching is she likes to work with children. Her favorites are: Food - Swiss Steak, Sport - Badminton, Book - In His Steps, Pastime - Reading and Playing Piano.

The Collins Adult Evening School dinner and graduating exercises were held in the high school gym and marked the close of another successful series of evening classes. Four courses were offered this year: Agriculture - 14 graduates; Homemaking - 14 graduates; Community Planning - 15 graduates; Current Affairs - 17 graduates.

February 5, 1948 Editorial "Hat's Off," score Roland 40, Collins 27, Whew! ! ! Whew! ! ! was the exclamation by both Collins and Roland fans. Many, many happy faces were seen Saturday in the field house at Nevada when our boys' team played a very good basketball game against the Rockets of Roland. Even though we didn't come home with the victory, we did receive a nice trophy and the Collins fans take their hats off to our team. They played a good game. We are also proud of the good sportsmanship shown by you. The Collins fans salute the boys' basketball team and their coach, Vance Stead.

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