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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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December 4, 1947 Honor Roll Second Six Weeks: 7th - Ruth Klaaren, Dorothy Long, Lee Ann Ridgeway, Shirley Shuey, Keith Weigel; 8th - John Carver, John Duesbury, Erwin Frerichs, Larry Heintz, Philip Holland, Virginia Mead, Joy Milligan; 9th - Phyllis Baker, Norma Keagle, Barbara Kimberley, Pat Klaaren, Max Liggett, Bonnie Long, Lola Oswalt; 11th - Chris Buck, Lois Elliott, Jo Ann Fertig, Shirley Wilson. 12th - Gene Atwood, Alma Bach, Ramona Beavers, Dolores Gardner, Darlene Haley, Ronnie Halterman, Beverley Liggett, Lois Maxwell, Margaret Maxwell, Ronald Stratton, George Tiffany, Anna Van Pilsum, Norma Vasey.

Basketball - Girls defeated Colo 41-32. Lineup: Gardner (f) - 13 pts; Kimberley (f) - 24 pts; Atwood (g-f) - 4 pts; Long (f) - 0 pts.; Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); Clark (g); Fertig (g).

Boys continued winning streak by defeating Colo 47-25. Lineup: Halterman (f) - 19 pts; Tiffany (f) - 11 pts.; Long (c) - 4 pts; Atwood (g-f) - 11 pts; Stratton (g) - 0 pts.; Boozell (g) 2 pts.; Cory (f) 0 pts.; Buck (c) 0 pts.; Smith (g) 0 pts.; Carroll (g) 0 pts.; Maxwell (g) 0 pts.

December 11, 1947 Ag News - Wednesday the FFA boys go to Iowa Falls for initiation into FFA. Farm Management class is making an inventory and setting up depreciation schedules on farm equipment required to operate a 200 acre farm. Ag II is studying practical methods of pasture improvement. Each student is preparing a plan for reseeding and improving 10 acres of permanent pasture. Kenneth Carroll has purchased a purebred Angus heifer from Ardmore Farms at Radcliffe, now owns two purebred Angus heifers.

School Dance - The junior high and high school attended a dance at school building Wednesday night with music furnished by records with Dick Smith the disc jockey. Everyone had an enjoyable time - so what do you say, let's have more dances.

Basketball - Boys defeated Fernald 45-26 to keep their record with no loses. Lineup: Halterman (f) - 14 pts; Tiffany (f) - 7 pts.; Long (c) - 9 pts; Atwood (g-f) - 12 pts; Stratton (g) - 3 pts.; Boozell (g) 0 pts.; Cory (f) 0 pts.; Buck (c) 0 pts.; Smith (g) 0 pts.; Carroll (g) 0 pts.; Maxwell (g) 0 pts.; Baker (g-f) - 0 pts.

Girls lost to Fernald 40-38. Lineup: Gardner (f) - 24 pts; Kimberley (f) - 2 pts; Fertig (f) - 12 pts; Atwood (g); Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); Clark (g).

Boys defeated Rhodes 48-20. Lineup: Halterman (f) - 12 pts; Tiffany (f) - 7 pts.; Long (c) - 6 pts; Atwood (g-f) - 14 pts; Stratton (g) - 0 pts.; Boozell (g) 4 pts.; Cory (f) 4 pts.; Buck (c) 0 pts.; Smith (g) 1 pt.; Carroll (g) 0 pts.; Maxwell (g) 0 pts.; Baker (g-f) - 0 pts.

Girls lost to Rhodes on the home court 31-27. Lineup: Gardner (f) - 8 pts; Kimberley (f) - 11 pts; Fertig (f) - 8 pts; Atwood (g); Beavers (g); Maxwell (g); Clark (g).

Junior Pet Peeves: Chris Buck - Being called Albert, Richard Moses - Somebody getting mad over nothing, Dick Smith - Running out of gas, Bob Wilkening - Physics, Charles Hofer - School, Don Barnes - World History, Bea Clark - Long skirts, Lois Elliott - People who can't take no for an answer, Colleen Moore - Being called SP, Jo Ann Fertig - Being called Shorty, Elsie Coates - Snobs, Shirley Wilson - Having my scarf pulled off, Kathleen Kitchen - Wolves.

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