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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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May 15, 1947 The Collins High School Track Team placed fourth in the County Meet at Ames with 46 ? points. Ames finished first, Nevada 2nd, and Colo 3rd. Collins won three events - 1st in the medley relay; Gene Atwood 1st and Apker 4th in the 120 yard high hurdles; Gene Atwood was 1st in the 200 yard low hurdles; Ronnie Stratton was 3rd and Lonnie Boozell 5th in the mile run; Don Huntrods was 2nd in the 440 yard run and 3rd in the 220 yard dash; Chris Buck was 2nd in the discus; Marlin Long was 2nd in the high jump; Don Huntrods was 2nd and Barney Mullihan 5th in the football throw.

May 29, 1947 About 800 students of Vocational Agriculture from 160 Iowa high schools attended the Better Farming Field Day held at Ames on May 25. Four boys from the Collins school - Ronnie Stratton, Gene Atwood, Don Barnes, and Richard Moses accompanied by their instructor A. M. Klaaren, attended. Demonstrations in five divisions were held: Don Barnes attended Engineering Division, Ronnie Stratton and Gene Atwood attended swine division, and Richard Moses attended Dairy Industries Demonstrations. The Voc Ag boys held their first meeting of their summer series last Friday evening. Eleven boys were present and plans were made to hold meetings every two weeks during the summer vacation. Under the sponsorship of their instructor, A. M. Klaaren, three boys have formed a "spray ring." Bill Hand is managing the group and is assisted by Dick Cory and Lane Rice. They have sprayed a barn, four lawns and two groups of fruit trees. The boys are interested in more work.

August 28, 1947 All is in readiness for the opening of the Collins Consolidated schools for the 1947-1948 school year. The opening is Monday, September 1 at 9:00 A. M. The third annual kickoff dinner will be held September 5 at 7:00 P.M. Everyone in the community is invited. Please bring covered dishes and sandwiches. A good attendance will be appreciated.

September 4, 1947 Faculty: Kindergarten - Cheryll Bressler; First - Anna Moses; Second and Third - Margaret Drake; Fourth - Mary Ward; Fifth and Sixth - Myrtha (Fenn) Robinson; Seventh and Eighth - Vance Stead. (Insert 2005: Class members of each grade are listed in this issue of the Collins Gazette.)

September 11, 1947 Collins School Optic Staff: Editor - Darlene Haley; Asst. Editor - Lois Elliott; Home Ec - Norma Vasey; Agriculture - Ronnie Stratton; Boys' Sports - George Tiffany; Girls' Sports - Jo Ann Fertig; Music and Dramatics - Beverly Liggett; Typists - Lois Maxwell, Doris Caulkins, and Dolores Gardner; Sponsor - Miss Barger.

Baseball Schedule: Sept. 9 - Cambridge (H); Sept. 11 - Slater (T); Sept. 15 - Huxley (T); Sept. 17 - Slater (H); Sept. 20-24 - Sectional Tourney; Oct. 7 - Huxley (H).

Class officers: Seniors: Pres. - Doris Caulkins; V. P. - Ronnie Stratton; Secy - Margaret Maxwell; Treas. - Gene Atwood; Student Council - Ronnie Halterman. Juniors: Pres. - Chris Buck; V. P. - Charles Hofer; Secy. Treas. - Shirley Wilson; Student Council - Jo Ann Fertig. Sophomores: Pres. - Lane Rice; V. P. - Dick Cory; Secy-John Runyan; Treas. - Lonnie Boozell. Freshmen: Pres. - Lola Oswalt; V. P. - Norma Evans ; Secy-Treas. - Carolyn Stratton. Eighth: Pres. - John Duesbury; V. P. - Erwin Frerichs; Secy- Treas. - Philip Holland. Seventh: Pres. - Dorothy Long; V. P. - Arnold Smith; Secy-Treas. - Phyllis Carroll.

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