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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Second round - Collins trounced Maxwell 44-28. This was revenge for the close game Maxwell gave Collins a week before. Collins' fast break was working with split precision. Lineup: Ronnie Halterman (f) - 12 pts; Gene Atwood (f-g) - 10 pts; Marlin Long (c) - 7 pts; Don Huntrods (g) - 10 pts; Harold (Barney) Mullihan (g) - 0 pts ; Glen Weese (c) - 2 pts; Ronnie Stratton (g) - 3 pts.; J. Apker (g) - 0 pts; Lonnie Boozell (g) - 0 pts.

Finals round - Collins lost to the taller Cambridge by 44-34. Collins couldn't connect with dozens of set shots to overcome Cambridge's shooting ability. Stratton was outstanding all through the tournament for defense. Lineup: Ronnie Halterman (f) - 7 pts; Gene Atwood (f-g) - 8 pts; Marlin Long (c) - 2 pts; Don Huntrods (g) - 2 pts; Harold (Barney) Mullihan (g) - 0 pts ; Glen Weese (c) - 2 pts; Ronnie Stratton (g) - 2 pts.; J. Apker (g) - 0 pts; Lonnie Boozell (g) - 0 pts.

December 19, 1946 Assembly Tuesday morning, the high school listened to a speaker on health. The topic was the effect of smoking and drugs on the human body. Use of these drugs will stunt growth and make a person lack in ability for sports activities and all sorts of active recreations. Ag News - A few members of the Shop Class have decided they are steeple jacks and are undertaking the removal of the old, and installation of the new scoreboard clock in the gym. Hopefully it will be up for the next home game. (We have it up.) Home Ec. News - The freshmen finished a unit on breakfast cooking. The sophomores are working on their blouses. We hope to have a good turnout at our bazaar sale Thursday night at the school house.

The sociology class went to Woodward to visit the State hospital. Dr. Seymore was our guide and she took us through several of the buildings, showing us examples of each of the many different classes. In the annex building, we saw some of the beautiful artwork that was done by these people. It was certainly amazing on the work they have accomplished.

Basketball - Girls won over Rhodes 48-33. They had only a two-point margin at the end of the third quarter. Doris Caulkins was outstanding, netting 30 points. Lineup: Anderson (f) - 6 pts; Gardner (f) - 3 pts; Pritchard (f) - 9 pts; Maxwell (f) - 0 pts; Kimberley (f) - 0 pts; Caulkins (f-g) - 30 pts; Atwood (g); Maxwell (g); Haley (g); Milligan (g); Oswalt (g); Fertig (g).

Boys completely overpowered Rhodes' five 46-22.

Girls defeated Cambridge 38-31 at Cambridge. Lineup: Anderson (f) - 2 pts; Gardner (f) - 13 pts; Pritchard (f) - 5 pts; Maxwell (f) - 5 pts; Kimberley (f) - 4 pts; Caulkins (f-g) - 10 pts; Atwood (g); Maxwell (g); Haley (g); Milligan (g); Oswalt (g); Fertig (g).

Boys met disaster at Cambridge losing 40-29. Huntrods and Stratton were top scorers with 9 and 7 points.

January 9, 1947 In Appreciation: By now you are probably well aware that an ice skating pond has been constructed just east of the high school building. We should like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" to Clyde Keagle, Walter Keagle, Fay Hand and others who made the pond available. Also thanks to Bob Baker for those nice warm fires. I believe there has been word of some students from other towns joining us and this may soon make Collins' ice pond a popular spot.

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