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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Editorial - Congratulations, Juniors. We think your class play was a fine one. Our dramatics program has done good work under Mrs. Shatwell's direction for several years and we are indebted to her for many fine play performances.

Interviewing New Faculty - Vance Stead is another new faculty member. He is married and has a young son - David. Hopkinton, Iowa is his native home. He attended Lenox Junior College at Hopkinton, University of Minnesota and Drake University. He likes the idea of grading pupils by whether their work is satisfactory or not; that is, have three grades - satisfactory, improvement or unsatisfactory.

November 7, 1946 Farm Shop - The first project has been completed. A flare wagon box was built in record time, three weeks. Students on the project were Jack Moore, Dean Kitchen, and Harold (Barney) Mullihan.

November 14, 1946 The Collins Evening School will open the fall session on Monday evening November 18 and a potluck supper will be served at 7:00 O'clock.

Armistice - Students gathered in the high school auditorium Monday morning aLong with several parents and townspeople to spend a few minutes and prayer and homage to our war dead. There was a program that included a brief address by Dale Peer, Principal.

Basketball - Collins boys succeeded in outscoring Shipley 31-24 in the first game of the season. Lineup: Ronnie Halterman (48) (f) - 5 pts; Gene Atwood (48) (f-g) - 15 pts; Marlin Long (48) (c) - 8 pts; Don Huntrods (47) (g) - 2 pts; Harold (Barney) Mullihan (47) (g) - 0 pts; Glen Weese (47) (f) - 0 pts; Ronnie Stratton (48) (g) - 1 pt.; Joe Apker (g) - 0 pts; Bob Baker (48) (f) - 0 pts; Lonnie Boozell (50) (g) 0 pts.

Girls won 36-19 over Shipley in their first game of the season. Lineup: Wanda Anderson (47) (f) - 20 pts; Dee Gardner (48) (f) - 11 pts; Lois Pritchard (47) (f) - 5 pts; Frances Maxwell (47) (f) - 0 pts; Barbara Kimberley (51) (f) - 0 pts; Doris Caulkins (48) (f - g) - 0 pts; Carol Atwood (50) (g); Lois Maxwell (48) (g); Darlene Haley (48) (g); Romaine Milligan (47) (g); Lola Oswalt (51) (g); Jo Ann Fertig (49) (g).

November 21, 1946 School Hot Lunches to Cost 20 Cents - During the past twelve weeks every effort has been made charging .17, but we have been losing a little each month. Beginning November 25, the charge will be .20 per meal and as soon as prices start back to normal, we will again make an adjustment in the price.

Shop Class now has a body and fender repair shop. Bob Apker and Don Huntrods have been using the fender repairing and straightening equipment. They say they can straighten out any fender a woman can smash up. Anyhow, the Apker family automobile looks much better since the fellows have been working on it.

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