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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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October 17, 1946 PTA Program for 46-47: Officers: Pres. Mrs. Ivan Mullihan, V. P. Ernest Hofer, Secy. Helen Barger, Treas. Dale Peer, Program Chm. Mrs. Grainger Buck. Programs: October 22, 1946 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson with a program of two films, committee of fifteen families. November 21, 1946 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Long with program of Creative Art with committee of twenty families. December 19, 1946 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hofer, program presented by the grade school with committee of sixteen families. January 21, 1947 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. Royal Cory and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Westcott with program of Truth or Consequences with committee of eighteen families. February 20, 1947 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Partridge with program of panel discussion with committee of sixteen families. March 18, 1947 Chairpersons Mr. and Mrs. Grainger Buck with program of Home Talent Play with committee of eighteen families. April 15, 1947 Chairperson Mrs. Lela Maxwell with a musical program with committee of eighteen families. Extensive listing of PTA membership of community families.

Track - Collins took a team of three one-mile runners to Iowa City to compete in the mile team contest. Ronnie Stratton took 1st place. Don Huntrods finished 9th and Gene Atwood 16th for 26 points for third placing in the mile team contest.

Conference Baseball Tournament - Collins lost its first game of the tournament to Cambridge 4-2. Collins had four hits, one each by Ronnie Halterman, Gene Atwood, George Tiffany, and Harold (Barney) Mullihan. Ronnie Halterman pitched for Collins and Jennings was Cambridge pitcher.

October 24, 1946 Editorial- Teacher Student Relations: I think much is to be gained from realizing, as students, that teachers are human too. They are responsible for your education, proper conduct and general welfare some seven hours each day. Our teachers are at all times striving to give us advice and help on methods of study or specific problems. They have much to bring us from their varied backgrounds and experience.

Dramatics - The cast of the Junior Class Play "Bolts and Nuts" are: Lois Maxwell, Dolores Gardner, Darlene Haley, Margaret Maxwell, Ronnie Halterman, Marlin Long, Bob Apker, Bob Baker, Alma Bach, Donald Gilley, Ronnie Stratton, Gene Atwood. This comedy is to be presented October 25 in the high school auditorium.

October 31, 1946 Basketball High School Schedule - (Joint Boys and Girls games): Nov. 8 - Shipley (H); Nov. 12 - Rhodes (H); Nov. 15 - Huxley (T); Nov. 19 - Slater (H); Nov. 22 - Melbourne (T); Nov. 26 - Maxwell (T); Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7 - Conference Tournament at Maxewll; Dec. 10 - Rhodes (T); Dec. 13 - Cambridge (T); Dec. 17 - Zearing (T); Dec. 20 - Colo - (H): Jan. 3 - Huxley (H); Jan. 7 - Colo (T); Jan. 10 - Slater (T); Jan. 17 (H); Jan. 22 - 25 Girls County Tourney; Jan. 29 - Feb. 1 Boys County Tourney; Feb. 3 - Kelley (T); Feb. 6-8 Girls Sectional Tourney; Feb. 11 - Cambridge (H); Feb. 18 - Shipley (T); Feb. 21 - Zearing (H); Feb. 26-3-1 Boys Sectional Tourney (18 scheduled games).

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