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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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(Insert - October 2005) Letter from 1946 Graduate:

World War II was on during a large part of my high school years. We had rationing of gas, tires, etc., and it continued for quite some time. I remember going in private cars to out-of-town basketball games. We weren't allowed to use the school buses. Our basketball uniform had no zippers, only buttons. I treasure my high school years. We had no luxuries, but it made us more appreciative of the little things. It was a Long, hard, war and at times, the news was very bleak. Our little sacrifice was nothing compared to what our armed forces were enduring. We had two from our class who left and joined the service, since they were old enough, and didn't graduate with us; (Ronald Smith and William Noring).

I carried good grades; otherwise, my parents would not have allowed me to participate in so many school activities. I switched to guard position in basketball in my junior and senior years. I wasn't very big, but was quick and fast and made the second team All-Story County Conference. Back then, you played half court and were allowed only one dribble, but it was fun. ~Pat (Fertig) Caulkins (1946)

(Insert - October 2005) Letter from 1946 Graduate:

I thought we had some very good teachers and the school board, parents, and whole community were all involved in having an excellent school. We did miss some trips and activities because of the war, but all schools had the same problem. Our class is one of the smallest in school and the only one entitled to a service flag with two stars: One for Roland Smith, and another for William Noring. Dick Long, Dean Wolf, Donald Snyder, Albert Vasey, and possibly others, served in the armed forces. I enjoyed going to Collins school (went to Melbourne until the fourth grade) and look forward to the alumni banquets. Pat (Fertig) Caulkins and I are thinking about our 60th Alumni Anniversary coming up. Seven class members have passed on. We had a real nice reunion for our 50th and Earl Evans did a nice introduction of our class. ~Bernice (Hofer) Huntrods (1946).

August 15, 1946 Collins Schools open Monday September 2nd at 9:00 A.M. The school buildings have been entirely refinished, even the tops of the desks in the grade building. Walker Smith, custodian has done a splendid job putting the whole school in top condition. The bus routes will be similar to last year. Mr. Byron Keagle has overhauled each bus. Hot lunches will be served again this year with price increase from 12 cents to 17 cents. The cooks are: Mrs. Mabel Atkinson, Mrs. Hazel Johnston, Mrs. Ardel Baker, and Mrs. Myra Vasey. The second annual "kickoff dinner" will be held Friday evening, September 6. This will be a pot luck dinner with program following. Everyone in the community is especially urged to attend and help officially open the new school year. Faculty: R. A. Long - Supt.; Dale Peer - Principal; Helen Barger - Commercial; Aber Klaaren - Voc. Ag; Alberta Beall - Home Ec; Irene Browns - English and Music; Ethel Shatwell - English and Dramatics; Louise Westcott - Social Science; Vance Stead - Junior High and Coach; Vera Vasey - Sixth Grade; Anna Moses - Fifth Grade; Mary Ward - Fourth Grade; Margaret Drake - Third Grade; Cheryll Bressler - First and Second; Hope Robinson - Kindergarten. New faculty members are: Vance Stead - Junior Principal and Athletic Coach; Margaret Drake - Third grade teacher.

NOT PART OF THE SCHOOL 8-22-1946 Collins Boys won class B baseball championship. The Collins B team won the county championship and the A team provided plenty of excitement for their three games. The B team (9-12 years old) beat Shipley 3-2 on Friday and on Saturday won the championship by defeating Ames 15-7. Philip Holland pitched both games in fine style and hit a grand slam homer against Ames. Duesbury, Battles, Heintz, Holland, A. Smith, Liggett, K. Smith, Kilker, Boozell and Vasey played on the championship team. The Collins A team (12-15 years old) defeated Nevada 3-2. Ames defeated Collins 6-2 in the second round and went on to win the championship. Halterman pitched excellent for the A team in the second game. Boys on the A team were: Apker, Hand, Cory, Halterman, Baker, Buck, Boozell, Fish, Marsh, Maxwell.

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