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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Boys Basketball Letters: David Renfeldt (Captain) (45) (c), Curtis Marsh (45) (g), Bill Pritchard (45) (f), Russ Oswalt (46) (f), Bob Titus (46) (g), Gordon Holland (46) (g), Frank Miller (46) (f). Pennants were given to cheerleaders Dick Halterman (47), Bill Noring, and student manager Warren Keagle (46).

Girls Basketball Letters: Lucille Crabb (Captain) (45) (g), Gloria Smith (45) (f), Doris Atkinson (45) (g), Betty Luing (45) (g), Betty Coughenour (45) (g), Patty Fertig (46) (f), Joyce Maxwell (47) (f), Lois Pritchard (47) (f). Pennants were given to student manager Helen Caulkins (45) and cheerleaders Jenelva Elliott (45), and Yvonne Tory (45).

Baseball Letters: David Renfeldt (45) (1b), Bill Pritchard (45) (rf), Bob Titus (46) (p), Frank Miller (46) (cf), Earl Evans (46) (c), Gordon Holland (46) (lf), Ronald Stratton (48) (2b), Ronald Smith. Captains Russ Oswalt (45) (ss) and Curtis Marsh (45) (3b).

Gold Metals for Scholarship and Activities: Wanda Huntrods, David Renfeldt.

Point System Pins: Wanda Huntrods, Curtis Marsh, David Renfeldt, Leola Harris, Russ Oswalt.

Band Letters: (Note - this is duplicate from page 237) Dick Smith, Max Dodd, Albert Vasey, Richard Moses, Bernice Hofer, Dean Wolf, Joyce Maxwell, Chris Buck, Donald Snyder, Darlene Haley, Wanda Anderson, Beryl Browns, Lane Rice, John Patterson, Carolyn Partridge.

Signs Trophy for Citizenship, Activities, and Scholarship: Wanda Huntrods, David Renfeldt.

Bus Drivers: George Adkins, Ray Coughenour, Vern Halterman, Byron Keagle.

Senior Class: Warren Keagle, class president, presented the school with a fine cabinet for their stage equipment.

Class Will was read by senior vice-pres. Jenelva Elliott.

The day closed with a baseball game, Collins boys defeating Maxwell, which made the day about perfect for all.

May 23, 1945 Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1945 were held on May 17 in the high school auditorium. The entire program was presented by the graduates. The auditorium was filled to overflowing and their response to each number proved this type of program was a big success.

The program: Processional; Invocation - Rev. Varce; Solo - Helen Elliott; Class History - Warren Keagle. Mixed Quartette - Helen Prescott, Wanda Huntrods, David Renfeldt, Curtis Marsh; What Makes America Tick? - Leola Harris; Solo - John Patterson; "Beyond Victory" - Curtis Marsh, Mixed Chorus (Class); "With Thought of Tomorrow" - Wanda Huntrods; Presentation of Eighth Grade Diplomas - Mrs. Shatwell; Presentation of Class of 1945 - Supt. R. A. Long; Presentation of Diplomas - L. D. Holland, Pres. of the school board; Benediction - Rev. Manning; Recessional.

The 23 members of the graduating class are: Doris Atkinson, Bernice Ball, Rex Beavers, Helen Caulkins, Betty Coughenour, Lucille Crabb, Max Dodd, Jenalva Elliott, Leola Harris, Wanda Huntrods, Byron Keagle, Carol Kimberley, Beverly Kitchen, Betty Luing, Curtis Marsh, Russell Oswalt, John Patterson, Helen Prescott, William Pritchard, David Renfeldt, Gloria Smith, Yvonne Torry, Naomi Varce. The seniors have chosen as they motto: "We have crossed the bay, the ocean lies before us." The class flower is the Talisman Rose, and the colors, Old Gold and Royal Blue.

September 1, 1945 Story County School Administrators Association met in the Story Hotel at Nevada for business/dinner last evening. The administrators' group had 100% attendance with several new members in the group. During the business session with L. E. Smith, President presiding, plans for improvement of instruction for the school year were discussed. The group voted to hold the Story County boys and girls basketball tournaments in the Nevada school field house.

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