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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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School Choir Members: Max Dodd, Rex Beavers, Dick Smith, Bernice Hofer, Colleen Moore, JoAnn Fertig, Lois Maxwell, Anna Van Pilsum, Norma Vasey, Dean Wolf, Wanda Huntrods, Dolores Gardner, Dorothy Buck, Lucille Crabb, Doris Caulkins, Margie Shearer, Doris Atkinson, Beverly Liggett, Chris Buck, Dick Cory, Albert Vasey, Harold Mullihan, John Patterson, Helen Caulkins, Darlene Haley, Lois Elliott, Arleen Brown, Kathleen Kitchen, LaVon Johnson, Alma Bach, Curtis Marsh, Russell Oswalt, Donald Huntrods. Charles Hofer, Beverly Moore, Lois Pritchard, Patty Fertig, Wanda Anderson, Katherine Carroll, Burrel Browns, Donald Williams, Richard Moses, Marilyn Torry, Kathryn Coughenour, Joyce Tomlinson, Arlene Baker. Faculty members in the choir: Miss Fenn, Miss Bressler, Miss Buck, Miss Barge r, Miss Robinson.

The choir increased from forty voices to sixty-five. All the members are robed. The choir has appeared in several neighboring towns, Nevada three times and Madrid once. The choir sang every Sunday evening at the Union services and once every month the members were called upon to give the complete service. Mrs. Browns was the pianist and Supt. Long the director.

Many of the above school choir members were also members of the girls' glee club with 34 members, and the mixed chorus with 31 members.

Band Members: Dick Smith, Patty Fertig, Leola Harris, John Patterson, Max Dodd, Albert Vasey, Darlene Haley, Wanda Anderson, Dorothy Buck, Richard Moses, Donald Snyder, Lois Maxwell, Carolyn Partridge, Lane Rice, Dean Wolf, Burrel Browns, Chris Buck, Bernice Hofer. Band director - Miss Buck. (18 members)

Dramatic Club Members: Kathryn Coughenour, Marilyn Torry, Beverly Liggett, La Von Johnson, Alma Bach, Ramona Beavers, Lois Pritchard, Helen Elliott, Norma Vasey, Jerry Wood, Warren Keagle, Marian Wood, Romaine Milligan, Doris Ball, Anna Van Pilsum, Margie Shearer, Dorothy Buck, Rex Beavers, Gene Stoneberg, Doris Caulkins, Wanda, Dolores Gardner, Bernice Ball, Shirley Johnson, Bill Luing, Jack Moore, Albert Vasey, Carolyn Partridge, Faye Duncan, Donald Snyder, Max Dodd, Jenalva Elliott, Dean Kitchen, Oscar Duncan. Director - Mrs. Shatwell. (34 members)

May 19, 1945 The first high school prom by the students of the Collins School with the alumni as their special guests was sponsored by the Juniors and Seniors on the evening of May 15. The gymnasium was nicely decorated in school colors of blue and white. A raised platform with a background of blue and white stars was arranged for the orchestra. Jim Crosby's orchestra of Marshalltown played for the dancing. About 120 were present and everyone felt they had a fine time.

May 22, 1945 A community picnic on May 18 brought the school year to a happy close. The picnic was so successful that from now on, it is to be a part of the annual commencement activities. There were more than 500 present for the basket dinner and nearly as many stayed for the band concert and presentation of awards that took place in the auditorium at 1:00 P.M.

The band, Miss Bette Buck, music supervisor, played several numbers and their fine music put the large crowd in just the right frame of mind for presenting of awards. The presentation of letters and other awards was by Supt. R. A. Long, Mrs. Irene Browns of the faculty and C. E. Fish, of the school board. Awards were as follows:

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