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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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April 12, 1945 Music News - The Collins Music Groups returned from the Preliminary State Contest held in Marshalltown last Friday and Saturday with big smiles on their faces. The Mixed Chorus came through very nicely with a rating of "1." This means the Mixed Chorus is eligible to compete in the State Mixed Chorus contest at Creston April 27th; that is, if transportation is available for these 32 students. The next five entries: Girls Sextet, Girls Glee Club, Mixed Quartet, Contralto Solo and Soprano Solo, each rated a "2." The Boys Quartet rated a "3."

The final round of the Girls School Basketball Tournament was played, Panthers defeating the Coyotes for the title, 29 to 18. Teams participating - Fertig's Foxes; Pritchard's Panthers; Crabb's Coyotes; Smith's Skunks; Maxwell's Mud Hens; Atkinson's Ant Eaters.

Can you imagine - All of us coming to school Monday morning wide awake and feeling ambitious? The freshman boys all knowing what the assignment is?

April 19, 1945 The Senior Class Play is a farce-comedy in three acts, "Let Me Out of Here." The Cast is: Carol Kimberley, Jennie Elliott, Rex Beavers, Bill Pritchard, Helen Caulkins, Russ Oswalt, Bud Renfeldt, Lucille Crabb, Helen Elliott, Max Dodd.

Baseball Team won their first game of the season, defeating Maxwell 6-2. Titus went all the way on the mound for Collins, allowing only two hits while striking out 13. Lineup: Pritchard - lf - 1 hit; Miller - cf - 0 hits; Renfeldt - 1b - 1 hit; Oswalt - ss - 1 hit; Marsh 3b - 0 hit; Evans - rf - 0 hit; Holland - c - 0 hits; Stratton 2b - 0 hits; Titus - p - 1 hit.

Girls' P.T. Class has been divided into two classes - 7th, 8th and 9th grades meet on Tuesday and Thursday; the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades meet on Monday and Wednesday. Teams have been chosen for each class.

Second and Third Grade News - Marilyn Carver has been reading us a nursery rhyme book. It has rhymes about Jack Spratt, Peter Pieper, Old King Cole, and some riddles (Reda Smith). We have been studying about coal in geography. Now we are studying about natural gas (Dale Derby).

April 26, 1945 The 1945 Co-HawkS High School Annual isbeing completed and is expected to be ready for distribution next week. The annual consists of 31 pages and is published by the "Co-HawkS" staff of Collins High School: Wanda Huntrods (Editors), Patty Fertig, Jenalva Elliott, Yvonne Torry, Carol Kimberley, Helen Caulkins, Curt Marsh, Frank Miller, Leola Harris, Doris Atkinson, Bernice Hofer, Russell Oswalt, David (Bud) Rendfelt. Miss Barger - Faculty Sponsor. The annual is dedicated to the boys who are graduates of the local school and are now serving in the armed forces. A picture of the late Miss Clara Signs, Junior High Teacher, for 34 years is on page 3. Sale of the annual was by advance subscription and very few additional copies will be available.

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