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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Students of the Week - Our Mixed Quartet is made up of four seniors: Bud Renfeldt, Curt Marsh, Wanda Huntrods, and Helen Elliott. The group has song together for some time, singing for special occasions, union services, and graduations.

Baseball Schedule - April 5th - Ames T; 10th - Maxwell T; 13th - Roland T; 26th - Ames H. May 5, 7, 8 - Sectional Tournament. May 18th - Roland H.

Track There are about 30 boys out this spring for track, first year of this sport.

Sixth Grade - All members of the class had 100 in the Wednesday Spelling Class, so we didn't have to take the Friday test. On Friday during the regular Spelling period, Delbert Neece and Nora Neale chose up sides for a spell down. Phyllis Baker, on Nora's team, was the winner.

March 22, 1945 Ambitions - Gloria Smith - Beauty Operator; Dean Wolf - Farming; Max Dodd - Own an Airplane; Gene Van Pilsum - Mechanic; Dick Long - Own a Hardware; Rex Beavers - Sailor; Joyce Maxwell - Photographer; Helen Caulkins - Office Worker; Millie Swanson - Attend A. I. B.; Ronnie Stratton - Farming; Gene Atwood - Farming; Marlin Long - Marines; Bob Baker - "B" in Algebra; Donald Gilley - Rich; Frank Miller - Travel; Earl Evans - Play baseball for New York Giants and Own a burlesque show; Jenny Elliott - Central Telephone Operator; Doris Atkinson - Office Worker; Naomi Varce - Missionary.

Dr. Richardson received his first allotment of penicillin, which has been available to civilians through retail channels only since March 10, 1945. [Insert 2004: This is a medical milestone in human healthcare.]

March 29, 1945 School Optic Editorial - Vacation time will soon be here. There are all kinds of jobs waiting for you. Boys and girls are needed very badly to work on the farms since all of the farm boys are entering the service. So do your bit and get a job on someone's farm. Help isn't needed only on the farms, but in the various factories, too. So come on kids, don't be slackers, do your part and go to work during the summer and help to win the war.

Second and Third Grade News - We had several interesting science experiments the past week in connection with our unit about water. One experiment proved that things dissolve and the other proved that plants absorb water.

April 5, 1945 Assembly - A very interesting talk was given by Dale Peer, our former Principal and Mathematics teacher. He told us of his experiences while he was oversees in Africa and Italy. He expressed hope that he would be with us again as soon as possible teaching CHS students.

Firth Grade - We enjoyed Virginia Mead's annual Easter party. Each desk was decorated with a little Easter Basket with the ice cream and cake served on little Easter plates.

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