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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Cheerleaders: Yvonne Torry (45); Jenalva Elliott (45).

Basketball: Collins Boys defeated Farrar, 53-18, for their 13th victory of the season and the last home game of the year. Lineup: Miller (f) - 21 pts; Oswalt (f) - 2 pts; Renfeldt (c) - 2 pts; Marsh (g) - 5 pts; Titus (g) - 8 pt; Pritchard (f) - 13 pts; Holland (g) - 2 pts. Collins Girls lost to Farrar, 54-28. Lineup: Pritchard (f) - 9 pts; Fertig (f) - 13 pts; Smith (f) - 0 pts; Crabb (g/f) - 6 pts; Atkinson (g); Luing (g); Beavers (g); Maxwell (g).

Grade News: Primary - We have talked and studied about plants, seeds and bulbs. This week we are doing spring planting in our room and then watch and wait to see what happens. Fourth Grade - We have been giving special attention to taking care of our teeth. In bird club, we have finished coloring pictures of the house wren. Patricia Hall is the new president and Dolores Mulligan is secretary.

Basketball: Collins Boys lose to Shipley 56 -38 and Collins Girls won over Shipley 57-37. Girls lineup: Pritchard (f) - 28 pts; Fertig (f) - 12 pts; Smith (f) - 0 pts; Crabb (g/f) - 17 pts; Atkinson (g); Luing (g); Coughenour (g); Maxwell (g).

Girls 44-45 Basketball Season Summary - Collins won: Shipley 28-20; Melbourne 35-18; Shipley 57-37. Tied: Maxwell 23-23; Colo 31-31; Baxter 36-36; Maxwell 22-22. Lost to: Fernald 31-28; Baxter 39-23; Fernald 40-24; Rhodes 54-35; Rhodes 32-20; Slater 33-24; Zearing 28-27; Colo 47-27; Farrar 54-28; in County Tourney - Fernald 37-12; Sectional Tourney - White Oak 31-23. Season Record: Three victories, four games tied - all time school record, eleven games lost.

The girls basketball squad members: Lois Pritchard (47) f; Patty Fertig (46) f; Gloria Smith (45) f; Lucille Crabb (45) g; Doris Atkinson (45) g; Betty Luing (45) g; Betty Coughenour (45) g; Doris Caulkins (48) g; Ramona Beavers (48) g; Lois Maxwell (48) g; Dorothy Buck (47) g; Dolores Gardner (48) g. Coach - Supt. Long. Team Manager - Helen Caulkins (45).

Cheerleaders: Yvonne Torry (45); Jenalva Elliott (45).

March 8, 1945 Funeral services were held at the Collins Church of Christ last Saturday for the late Miss Clara Signs whose death occurred March 1. The pallbearers were school board members: L. D. Holland, C. E. Fish, Ernest Hofer, C. W. Keagle, D. W. Hubbard, and Supt. Long. Miss Signs was born south of Mingo, May 21, 1887. During her girlhood, she moved with her parents to Collins and graduated from Collins high school in 1907. She attended Drake University and Highland Park College in Des Moines to prepare for the teaching profession. After teaching two years in country schools of this community, she accepted a position as Elementary Grade teacher, and in a few years, becoming seventh and eighth grade (Junior High) teacher in the Collins Public School, for approximately 35 years. Her greatest interest in life was her teaching and she became widely known with junior high pupils.

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