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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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(Insert 2004 - Personal contacts with early to mid-1940 graduates indicate the first cooks with the full school year Hot Lunch Program were Mrs. Jess [Myra] Vasey, Mrs. Andrew [Rub] [Hazel] Johnston, Mrs. Sid [Mabel] Atkinson and Mrs. Ardell Baker. The meals were prepared in the Home-Ec kitchen area with students eating in the gym area. The floor was covered with canvas tarp daily and folding tables and chairs set up for students' eating. All students [including grade school] ate in the gym. Tables, chairs and floor tarp were removed daily for athletic use of the gym. The setting up and taking down was done by six to ten high school boys, earning their meals. High school girls [six to ten] helped with serving the meals and clean up [washing dishes, pots, pans, silverware - no machine dishwasher] daily, earning their meals. Walking/running on the gym floor in street shoes at any time it was not covered with the canvas tarp was a serious rule violation with severe reprimands by teachers and maybe a trip to the principal's office.]

Regarding bus service, all children below nine years of age will be picked up at their gate. This ruling has been sent to us by the State office. The faculty members are: R. A. Long - Supt. and Math; Helen Barger - Principal, Commercial and Assistant Girls Coach; W. M. Westcoat - Voc Ag and Physics; Bernice Buck - Music; Irene Browns - English and Social Science; Ethel Shatwell - Social Science and Junior High; Clara Signs - Junior High; Myrtha Fenn - Elementary Departmental; Mabel Osborn - Elementary Departmental; Vera Vasey - Elementary Departmental; Cheryl Bressler - Second Grade; Hope Robinson - Primary and First Grade.

September 14, 1944 Optic staff: Editor - Wanda Huntrods; Assistant Editor - Bernice Hofer; Sports - Russ Oswalt, Patty Fertig, Frank Miller, Carol Kimberley; Agriculture - Curtis Marsh; Music and Dramatics - Joyce Maxwell; Reporters - Bud Renfeldt, Yvonne Torry; Typists - Helen Caulkins, Doris Atkinson, Jenalva Elliott. Faculty Sponsor - Miss Barger.

Class officers - Seniors: President - Warren Keagle, Vice President - Jenalva Elliott, Secretary - Curtis Marsh; Treasurer - Bud Renfeldt. Juniors: President - Bob Titus, Vice President - Albert Vasey, Secretary-Treasure - Donald Snyder. Sophomores: President - Donald Huntrods, Vice President - Carolyn Partridge, Secretary - Kathryn Carroll, Treasurer - Marjorie Shearer. Freshmen: President - Doris Caulkins, Vice President - Donald Gilley, Secretary - Alma Bach, Treasurer - Ronald Stratton. Eighth Grade: President - Billy Hand; Vice President - Chris Buck; Secretary - Treasurer - Kathleen Kitchen. Seventh Grade: President - Dick Corey; Vice President - Robert Johnson; Secretary-Treasurer - Carol Atwood; Reporter - Patty Fertig. Student Council - Warren Keagle, Bob Titus, Doris Caulkins, Catherine Carroll, Bernice Hofer.

This year the agriculture department has three courses instead of two: farm crops for the freshmen boys, animal husbandry for the sophomores and farm mechanics for juniors and seniors. There are more than 30 boys enrolled in agriculture courses and 14 boys are enrolled in farm mechanics.

Dramatics - Mrs. Shatwell is organizing a Dramatics Club this year. There are to be four presentations of plays produced by the club members, which are in addition to the junior and senior class plays.

Personality of the week: He is popular, he is ambitious, he is the pitcher on the baseball team, he is president of the junior class. He is Bob Titus.

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