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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Collins wins over White Oak in the first round of Girls Sectional Basketball Tourney at Maxwell 46-27.Girls' Lineup: White (f) - 26 pts; Patty Fertig (46) (f) - 2 pts; Betty Luing (45) (f) - 0 pts; Gloria Smith (45) (f) - 16 pts; Lucille Crabb (45) (g); Lois Pritchard (47) (g); Doris Atkinson (47) (g);Dolph (g); Wanda Graham (g). In the second round, Mingo defeated Collins 56-28 (Insert 2004: Box score not found)

March 2, 1944 The Collins School has received notice of State approval for an OSYA poultry course. This course is to be financed through Federal funds and will consist of 20 hours of intensive instruction under the direction of A. E. Silletto, voc ag instructor. Town people who are interested in poultry as well as farm men and women are invited to enroll. Meetings will begin on March 6. The government has asked producers to increase their egg and poultry production for 1944. More than 240 of these Federal courses are now in operation in Iowa.

March 9, 1944 The Junior Class will present two one-act plays on March 17: "Hold Everything." The cast: Bud Renfeldt, Gloria Smith, Bill Pritchard, Lucille Crabb, Russ Oswalt, Yvonne Torry, Myrtle Haley, Curtis Marsh. "The Patched Coat." The cast: Helen Caulkins, Betty Luing, Helen Elliott, Doris Atkinson, Max Dodd, Carol Kimberley, Warren Keagle, Norman Wilkins, Rex Beavers.

Boys Sectional Basketball Tournament March 1-4 - no information found on games.

March 16, 1944 Personality of the Week: He was on the basketball team, he is in glee club, he is in the junior play, he is good looking, he is Russ Oswalt.

March 23, 1944 Norma Vasey wins Story County Spelling Contest: Norma Vasey, 12-year old member of the 8th grade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Vasey, won the 1944 contest held at Nevada and will represent Story County in the State Contest to be held in Des Moines, April 22. Norma was winner in the written contest and won the oral in the spell-off with Janet Mather of Shipley. Janet was also runner-up in last year's contest. Nineteen spellers participated. For the third time in the last four years, a pupil of Collins School (and Miss Clara Signs as teacher) has won the Story County Spelling Contest.

Seniors boys win the class basketball tournament, defeating the sophomores 44-8. Junior girls win the class basketball tournament, defeating the seniors 34-11.

April 13, 1944 Superintendent W. E. Young informs the Gazette that he has tendered his resignation as head of the local school to become effective at the close of the school year. The family moved to Collins in 1942.

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