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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Baseball - Collins met Rhodes on their diamond with Rhodes winning 9-7. Joe Anderson pitched and Deal was the catcher (No box score found)

School was dismissed Tuesday for scrap day. Trucks were donated and men and boys went out to gather all the scrap iron they could find in this township. With everyone cooperating, the day was very successful.

November 12, 1942 Editorial - High School athletics are carried out in the school through games, exercises and drills. The girls compete in softball, basketball and sometimes exercises, while the boys play basketball, baseball, and that new game called battle ball. One hour period of athletics is compulsory for each junior high and high school pupil each week unless given a doctor's excuse.

The juniors have selected their class rings. After much debate over which ring to select, it was finally decided everyone would order the ring they wanted.

November 26, 1942 - Basketball - The girls lost the opening season game to Cambridge 21-10. Starting lineup: Forwards - Jo Dean White, Barbara Buck, and Patty Fertig; Guards - Marguerite Oswalt, Dorothy Neale, Lucille Crabb. The boys lost the season opener in a thriller to Cambridge 21-20. Collins was leading at the first quarter 12-1 with Cambridge outscoring Collins in the second quarter for a half-time sore of 14-14. Starting lineup: Forwards - Gene Fertig, Roger Huntrods; Center - Bill Atwood; Guards - Dorrell Taylor, Lowell Atkinson.

Basketball - The girls played an exciting game at Melbourne winning 28-24. Leading scorers for Collins were Deal - 14 points and Buck - 11 points. The boys easily won 28-12. Half-time score was 12-8. Scoring leaders were Atwood and Lillard with six points and Huntrods with five. A rousing pep meeting was held Friday afternoon with new cheerleaders leading the way.

Basketball Squads - Girls - Helen Deal (43), Dorothy Neale (43), Marguerite Oswalt (43), Barbara Buck (43), Jo Dean White, Patty Fertig (46), Gloria Smith (45), Doris Atkinson (45), Lucille Crabb (45), Betty Luing, Betty Coughenour (45), Pauline Dolph. Boys - Gene Fertig (44), Bill Atwood (43), Lowell Atkinson (43), Roger Huntrods (44), Dorrell Taylor (43), Dale Deal (43), LaVerne Lillard (43), Harold McQuiston (44), Forrest Long (44), Roland Smith, Curtis Marsh (45).

December 3, 1942 - Mr. Lynch and the junior and senior agriculture boys attended farm auction sale. The IHC F-20 tractor brought over $1400.

Honor Roll: Seniors - Bill Atwood, Barbara Buck, Claretta Duncan, Ruth Mullihan, Helen Deal, Gladys Dodd, Eileen Hofer, Dorothy Neale; Juniors - Roger Huntrods, Gene Fertig, Colleen Lillard; Sophomores - Wanda Huntrods, Pauline Dolph, Curtis Marsh, Johanna Tiffany, Russell Oswalt; Freshmen - Patty Fertig, Bernice Hofer, Robert Titus.

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