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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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April 2, 1942 - The staff of the 1942 edition of "Co-HawkS" Annual is: Reid Beavers - Editor-in-Chief; Charles Kimberley - Assist. Editor; Colleen Stratton - Chair, Advertising Comm.; Robert Keagle, Anne Fish, Bill Atwood - Advertising Comm.; Karol Robinson - Chair of Picture Comm.; Norma Smith, Olin Pitcher - Picture Comm.; Jack Fertig, Luella Dolph - Sports Comm.; Flo Signs, Gretchen Mead - General News Comm.; Bill Atwood, Robert Keagle - Circulation Comm.; R. J. Erickson, Faculty Sponsor. The Collins high school yearbook committee has been putting in strenuous work gathering and preparing copy and soliciting advertising and subscriptions for the book. Some of this copy already is being put into type form in the Gazette office. The annual promises to be extremely interesting and well worth keeping in the family bookcase for years to come.

April 16, 1942 - Commencement Exercises for the class of 1942 will be held in the high school auditorium May 15 when 13 boys and 12 girls will receive their diplomas.

Coach Cooper announces opening of the 1942 baseball season Friday when they play Dowling High School of Des Moines on the local viaduct park. The lineup will be from the following: Jack Fertig (42) (Captain), Jack Stratton (42), Wendell Coles (42), Arnold Milligan (42), Joe Anderson, Gene Fertig (44), Bill Huntrods (42), Bill Atwood (43), Dorrell Taylor (43), Charles Kimberley (42), Donald Neale (42), Harold Thompson, Forrest Long (44), Russell Oswalt (45), Dale Deal (43), Ronald Johnston. Scheduled games: Apr. 21 - Mingo H; Apr. 23 - Maxwell T; Apr. 28 - Shipley T; May 7, 8, 9 - Sectional Tournament; May 12 - Maxwell H.

April 23, 1942 - Senior Play, "Jane Eyre" will be presented by the senior class in early May. The play is based on the book of the same name written by Wall Spence.

Skip Day was inaugurated by the seniors last Tuesday as a supposed privilege for the seniors. However, the juniors did likewise on Wednesday, the sophomores on Thursday, and we who skipped on Friday?

April 30, 1942 - The 1942 Co-HawkS Yearbook of Collins High School is off the press and for binding Friday for the final operation. This year's annual is dedicated to the boys who are graduates and are now in the armed forces of their country. (Why not order a copy as gift for local boys in the service.)

Members of the Collins High School Alumni Association met at the Town Hall April 25 to make arrangements for the annual banquet, which will be held following the commencement exercises May 15. The officers are: Pres. - Henry Vasey; V. Pres. - Rev. Lloyd Patton; Sec.-Treas. - Mary Tomlinson. Committees are: Decorating, Program, Table and Chairs, Menu, Invitation, Nominating.

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