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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 5: Fall 1941–Spring 1948

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Collins School Chronological Journey

Part V Era: Fall 1941 - Spring 1948

The 1941-42 Faculty: Joe Lynch - Voc-Ag; Dale Peer - Principal and Math; R. J. Erickson - Supt., Science, Guidance; Marjorie Byal - Elem. Principal and Third Grade; Earl Cooper - Coach, History, Economics, Government; Elizabeth Hofler - Music, Band, English; Wilma Anderson - Fifth Grade; Adlyn Deere - Dramatics, Sixth Grade; Clara Signs - Junior High; Josephine Coleman - Second Grade; Juanita Hyde - Fourth Grade; Evelyn Everly - Home-Ec; Ruth Behrens - English, Literature, Typing; Grace Carpenter - First Grade; Fred Renfeldt - Custodian.

September 4, 1941Collins "Quiz" Team Takes Fourth Place in State Fair Contest

The Collins Consolidated school junior high team, composed of Kathleen Hanson, Johanna Tiffany and Curtis Marsh, took fourth place in the state-wise "quiz derby" finals, held at the state fair last Thursday afternoon. They ranked first in the preliminaries and second in the semi-finals. Marengo won first place. These young people, with their instructor and sponsor, Miss Clara Signs, are deserving of a "great big hand" from all of us for their fine achievement.

September 18, 1941 Dramatic Club under the direction of Miss Deere is starting out well. Baseball, with 12 members from last year's squad, appears to have fine prospects. The music groups directed by Miss Hofler are headed for a big year. Tryouts for band have been made and band members are already hard at work. Lessons on band instruments are free.

September 25, 1941 The Collins Vocational boys have been busy the past two weeks preparing for the Dairy Cattle and Poultry Congress, to be held in Waterloo Sept. 29 to Oct. 5. At present the most outstanding marks have been made by the following boys: Jack Fertig, Reid Beavers, Gene Fertig, Charles Kimberley, Curtis Marsh, Rex Beavers, John Kingman and Bill Atwood.

Plans for the school carnival to be held Oct. 17 are well under way. Outstanding features will be a dance, trading post, wrestling matches, bingo, popularity contest, and everything that goes with carnivals.

October 2, 1941 Collins high school's baseball team opened the season with a 10-7 victory over Rhodes. Collins collected 7 hits while Rhodes garnered 5. J. Fertig (p) and Milligan (c) constituted Collins' battery. The team also won the second game of the season behind Joe Anderson's four-hit pitching, defeating Shipley, 3-1. (No box scores found)

The cast for the Junior class play, "Fixit Incorporated," has been chosen. Under the coaching of Miss Deere, the play will be presented October 24. The cast: John Kingman, Joe Anderson, Colleen Stratton, Betty Griffieon, Dorrell Taylor, Eileen Hofer, Bob Keagle, Ruth Mullihan, Helen Renfeldt, Lowell Atkinson.

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