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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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Robertson, and “Our School Days ” by Mrs. Maud Stigler. A bounteous supper was served and enjoyed. The juniors waited on the tables. The orchestra played splendid selections that all appreciated. The toast list, as the subjects indicate, brought forth much valuable and pleasant thought of a nature connected with the city of Collins, the Collins High School and the Alumni Association. It was a very delightful reunion of the graduates of Collins High.

August 10, 1916 School Bond Election – Notice of another school bond election for the consolidated school district is to be found in this paper. Another election is made necessary on account of not having had sufficient votes cast at the last election to make it legal. According to a peculiar kink in the law, it is necessary in carrying an election of this kind to have enough affirmative votes to exceed a majority of

all votes cast in the last previous election. The previous election was that held March 25, at which 156 votes were cast making it necessary at the election on July 10 to have 78 affirmative votes to carry the issue. However, only 58 votes were cast on the proposition of which 53 were affirmative and 5 negative – Sheldahl Thrift.

September 7, 1916 – The Collins School opened Monday with the following faculty: Supt. – C. W. Kirk, High School – Dora Duwe and Mildred Stone, Grades 7 and 8 – Clara Signs, Grades 5 and 6 – Beatrice Lundy, Grades 3 and 4 – Persis Fertig, Primary 1 and 2 – Ethel Gibson, Domestic science and music – Iva Nichols.

April 20, 1917 Meeting of High School Alumni – Friday evening April 20 meeting called to order by president. Motion was made and carried that the alumni banquet be held on Friday May 18. Election of officers: President – B. L. Mead, Vice President – Leon Keagle, Sec. – Grace Hattery, Treas. – John Thompson. The election of committees: Invitations – Maud Stigler, Ethel Shearer, Bessie Carver. Lunch – Jennie Hall, Ruth Anderson, Aura Harmsen, Florence Ayers. Program – Hazel Dodd, Beulah Gearhart, Myrna Sokol, Lena Vasey. Decorating – Lulu Kennedy, Clara Signs, John Hattery, Virgil Randall, Truman Stanton. Lookout – Oliver Shearer, Leon Keagle, John Thompson. Toastmaster – B. L. Mead. Bessie Carver, Secretary.

September 7, 1917 Collins Public School opened Monday, Sept. 3rd with the following corps of teachers, C. W. Kirk, superintendent; Miss Ruth Sperry, principal; Miss Grace Cunningham, assistant principal; Miss May Welter, music and domestic science; Miss Linderblood seventh and eighth; Miss Nellie Clance fifth and sixth; Miss Ruth Watson third and fourth; and Miss Grace Hattery, primary.

January 24, 1918 School entertainment at 3:00 p.m. Feb. 5 at High School. Parents welcome. Free

February 21, 1918 School board decided to have school the next 4 Saturdays to make up for the time lost because the furnace was undergoing repairs.

March 14, 1918 School Election: H. C. Denniston, R. C. Roberson, Treasurer W. H. Thompson were elected.

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