The Guidance Class spent Wednesday in Des Moines visiting various businesses and getting ideas on the job situation. Some of the places visited were the Register and Tribune, Bishop's Cafeteria, Hutchenson's Ice Cream Factory, Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Colonial Bakery, Banker's Life, the Des Moines Post Office, and the State Capital.
Collins baseball team was defeated in their Season Opener. The outstanding feature of the game was a sensational triple play. After the first inning, Collins defense fell apart and Dowling High of Des Moines rapidly ran up a large score, winning 15-3. (No box score found)
May 1, 1941 - The Junior-Senior Banquet was held April 26 at Younkers Tea Room in Des Moines. The color scheme was red, white and blue. A three-course dinner was served, with after dinner dancing. (Insert 2004: Appears is first Banquet away from Collins)
The Junior High plans to give a picnic for the High School May 7. This will be the last of a series of five parties, which have been given at various times during the year in which the classes have entertained each other.
Baseball boys lose three games during the past week: Cambridge 14-3, Fernald 4-3, and Mingo 12-7. Errors seemed to contribute the defeats. Jack Fertig was the batting star in all three games. (No box scores found)
The Epidemic of Mumps is going around, with over 30 cases in high school, and one teacher.
May 8, 1941 - Baccalaureate will be held May 11 with Rev. Fix giving the address. Commencement will be May 16 with Roy Cheville of Graceland College as speaker. His subject will be "Democracy and Discipline." School awards will also be given. The Alumni Banquet will be held afterward.
Graduates are: Mildred Atkinson, Floyd Carver, Isabelle Coughenour, Naomi Gilley, Lois Hattery, Maxine Heintz, Gale Holmes, Kenneth Kracht, Ruth Lund, Robert Mabe, Forrest Pointer, Ila Mae Pritchard, Daisy Renfeldt, Minnie Mae Sheibley, Bonnie Signs, William Stoneberg, Keith Swanson, Dorothy Titus, Chase Westcott. )
Academic Tests - Every pupil test from the State University of Iowa were given to the high school students on Monday and Tuesday. The test in English Correctness was given to the entire high school; other tests were given in some of the subjects taken by each grade.
The Senior Class presented their class play, "Miss Ginger," Friday night. The play was a big success and a large audience enjoyed it. The class presented Miss Holmes, their director, a book for her hard work as director. [Insert 2004: Cast not listed]