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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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On Friday, the Agricultural boys and Mr. Perkins went to Ames to attend the Farm and Home Week at Iowa State College/University. The first event was to attend the Farmers Livestock Judging Contest. After lunch, they listened to a talk by Dr. Stoddard Lane who talked on "Making Democracy Work."

Hot Lunches. The tenth grade home-making girls continue to serve hot lunches at noon.

Basketball. The Collins girls defeated Rhodes and the boys lost their game to Rhodes (Box scores not found) Collins girls lost a close game to Shipley and the boys defeated Shipley. (Box scores not found)

March 6, 1941 The Annual Staff met Monday and finished the pages of photographs for the annual.

Basketball - The Collins girls, after a hard-fought game, lost to the Gilman sextet by a score of 40-27 in the first round of the District Tournament at Marengo.

First Grade News - We have a new girl in our grade, Joy Milligan. She moved here from Rhodes.

March 13, 1941 Basketball The boys Sectional Tournament was held at Colo. Collins was defeated by McCallsburg in the first round. Final score 32-17. Collins boy's squad is: Jack Fertig (42) - 2, Dorrell Taylor (43) - 3, Floyd Carver (41) - 1, Wendell Coles (42) - 2, Chase Westcott (41) - 1, Charles Kimberley (42) - 2, LaVerne Lillard (43) - 3, John Kingman (43), Joe Anderson, Wm. (Bill) Atwood (43) - 3. Mr. Turkal - Coach.

March 20, 1941 County Spelling Contest Winner - Curtis Marsh, our 8th grade representative at the County Spelling Contest will be Story County's delegate to the State Contest at Des Moines to be held April 19. He won both the oral and written contests at Nevada. Miss Clara Signs is 8th grade teacher.

Third Grade - Visited the furnace room where Mr. Fred Renfeldt, custodian, showed us the furnace. He opened the furnace door to let us look and to see the blazing fire. The stoker fills the furnace with coal. The fire heats water and makes steam that heats both school buildings. There were about 18 tons of coal in the bin and holds about 90 tons when it is full.

Freshman class entertained the entire high school in the fourth high school party this school year. Shamrocks, Irish Potatoes, and Pipes were pinned on people as they entered the gym. The entertainment consisted of a tap dance by Miss Harrington, "Dinah" played by Gale Homes, Charles (Chuck) Kimberley and Floyd Carver, and a prize fight by Richard Hand and Virgil O'Neil. Games were provided as well as dancing.

Hot Lunches - 191 were served Monday and it is hoped that the 200 mark will be reached.

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