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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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January 9, 1941 New Courses: There will be several new courses offered the second semester and some courses will be changed. English Literature will be changed to 12th English and become an elective. Sociology and Vocational Guidance will be the new courses offered. The American Government class will take up Economics for the second semester.

Basketball December 31, Collins played Melbourne there with the girls winning and boys losing (No box scores found). Thursday games were played at Huxley with the girls winning and the boys losing (No box scores found).

Hot Lunch Menu: The tenth grade home-making class started to serve hot lunches last Monday. We believe the girls are good cooks and we hope that everyone will do their best to help them. Mon. - Scalloped Corn, Jelly Sandwich, Cocoa, Chocolate Pudding; Tues. - Tomato Soup, Crackers, Apple Salad, Chocolate Cake with Frosting; Thurs. - Beef and Noodles, Peanut Butter and Date Sandwich, Cocoa, Fruit and Cookies; Fri. - Scalloped Potatoes, Cheese Sandwich, Cocoa, Jell-O and Fruit.

Third Grade News - We have been studying about silk. Silk is made by a silk worm. It spins a cocoon around itself. The cocoon is unwound to make thread. We have a cocoon made by a silk worm and a skein of the threads that have been unwound. The silk worm and its cocoon are white.

January 15, 1941 The 12th Grade English Class has been organized into a "Good Speech Club" for the coming semester. Meetings will be held every Monday morning during the class period with different topics each time.

Basketball - Colo played at Collins with the Collins girls winning, 43-21, and the Collins boys winning, 40-14. Collins played Maxwell, there, losing both games, Maxwell 37 - Collins girls 23; Maxwell 29 - Collins boys 26. (No box scores found)

January 23, 1941 Guidance is new High School Course. There has been unusual interest in the new course of Guidance. It is a course designed to help our students find abilities, talents, and outstanding characteristics, which will enable each one to find his right place in the working world. Also, it will serve as a guide in the selection of courses for those who go on to college. The subject is being taught by Superintendent Erickson, who has had special work at the University of Iowa in the matter of guidance.

January 30, 1941 Co-HawkS Annual Staff: Dorothy Titus - Editor-in-chief; Minnie Mae Sheibley - Asst. Editor; Gale Holmes - Circulation; Anne Fish - Advertising; Forrest Pointer, Robert Keagle - Jokes; Reid Beavers, Daisy Renfeldt, Anoka Elliott - Photography; Mildred Kimberley - Bookkeeping; Maxine Heintz - Commercial; Karol Robinson - Music; Harriet - Home Ec.; Olin Pitcher - Agriculture; Gretchen Mead, Flo Signs - General News; Chuck Kimberley, Bonnie Signs, Jack Fertig - Sports. Annual Staff Group Pictures were taken Friday for the annual. The annual staff is still looking for pictures to put in the annual.

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