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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Assembly - A special Armistice Day program was held Monday morning. The band played several pieces. The group sang "America," and a minute of silence of observed while Mr. Sparks played taps. Rev. Fix addressed the assembly on the subject, Americanism.

The Collins faculty attended the State Teachers convention held in Des Moines Thursday and Friday.

November 28, 1940 On Monday the home declamatory contest will be held in the auditorium. Oratorical - Margaret Kimberley and John Tiffany; Dramatic - Wanda Brown, Viola Coles, Lois Hattery, Ilene Hofer, Ila Mae Pritchard; Humorous - Anoka Elliott, Howard Kimberley, and Colleen Stratton.

Sports - Both the girls and boys' teams defeated Van Cleve. (No box scores found)

Basketball schedule: Nov. 19 - Van Cleve H; Dec. 3 - Cambridge T; Dec. 6 - Maxwell H; Dec. 10 - Colo T; Dec. 13 - Fernald H; Dec. 17 - Melbourne T; Dec. 20 - Huxley T; Jan. 3 - Cambridge H; Jan. 7 - Colo H; Jan. 10 - Maxwell T; Jan. 14 - Melbourne H; Jan. 17 - Rhodes T; Jan. 21 - Fernald T; Jan. 17 Story City H; Feb. 14 - Huxley H; Feb. 18 - Rhodes H; Feb. 21 - Shipley H; Feb. 25 - CCC College T; Feb. 28 - Zearing H. (H = Home, T = There)

One-Act Contest Play - The cast for the play, "A Proposal by Proxy" is: Naomi Gilley, Keith Swanson, Anne Fish, Gail Partridge, Kenneth Kracht, and also a speaking chorus.

December 12, 1940 Basketball. Collins girls won over Cambridge, and lost to Maxwell. Collins boys lost to Cambridge and won over Maxwell. (Box scores not found)

January 2, 1941 December 20a Christmas program was held in the high school auditorium. It consisted of the following: Processional - Glee Clubs; Solo - Daisy Renfeldt; Songs - First and Second Grades; The Christmas Carol - Third Grade; Star Drill - 10 girls; Luther's Cradle Hymn - Sixth Grade; Silent Night - Glee Clubs; The Play "Christmas Eve at Mulligan's." The characters: Dick Halterman, Doris Perry, Ronald Halterman, Joan Fertig, Beverly Liggett, Delores Gardener, Bobby Baker, Marlin Long, and Evelyn Woolhether. Closing number: Joy to the World - Sixth Grade.

Holiday Class Parties - Junior High Party, in school building with exchange of gifts. Ninth Grade, in school building with exchange in gifts. Senior Class party at Daisy Renfeldt's. Junior Class party at Lucy Noring's. Presents were exchanged at both parties.

Announcement of Bob Feller Banquet on Thursday, January 9. (Insert 2004: See 11-9-39 on first visit and added information) (Insert 2004: Major League baseball pitcher with Cleveland Indians 1936 through 1956, native home - Van Meter, Iowa)

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