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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Farm Shop - The Vocational Agriculture Department is offering a course in Farm Shop and Farm Mechanics. The course is elective for 11th and 12th grade boys and is designed to develop the boys' mechanical skills and abilities to better meet the many mechanical jobs on the farm. The course work will cover the following: Farm woodwork construction, rope repairing, soldering, glazing, conditioning and care of tools, gas engine, tractor and automobile repair, machinery repair, pipe and pump work, harness care and repair, forge work, concrete construction and electrical work. Considerable effort has been spent during the summer to prepare this course and make it as practical as possible. The Shop Room has been moved from the high school building into the gym of the old building and an outside entrance has been made to allow large projects such as hog houses, wagon boxes, etc., and also to permit repair work to be done on cars and tractors and other farm machinery.

[Insert 2004: The original design and construction of the 1921 high school building had a rather large "Shop Room" (similar length of gym) located on the mid-level floor along the west side of the building, west side of the balcony hallway that was above the spectator seating on the west side of the gym. This initial shop area was converted to a Study Hall with the school library at the north end of the room in 1940. This remained a study hall and library room until the building was razed in the mid-1990's.]

Recallings of a 1938 graduate: "The shop classroom area had a set of double doors off the balcony along the east side; one set at the south and the other set at the north. The classroom was in the south part with folding chairs and tables for the students. The tools were in a cage near the north end along the east wall. Shop classes did not fully use the area every day. The room was also used for Farm Voc-Ag and likely for other classes."

The gym in the old building [1909 grade school after the 1921 high school building constructed] was a full basement depth along the north side of the building. It was used as a multi-purpose area from 1921 through 1939. Uses were: Lunch room for grade school pupils, recess time play area for grade school pupils on bad weather days, small portion used for custodian supplies and miscellaneous storage area. Also quite likely was periodically used as a shop area in mid to late 1930's before the old gym multi-purpose area was converted in 1940 to a regular shop area with an outside entrance constructed.

September 5, 1940 Paper Staff - Our high school has decided to publish a school newspaper for all students and people in the community. Those chosen on the staff are as follows: Editor-in-chief - Naomi Gilley; Associate Editor - Lois Hattery; Makeup Editors - Anne Fish, Flo Signs, Kenneth Kracht; News Editor - Mary Reed; Sports Editors - Keith Swanson, Minnie Mae Sheibley; Club Editor - Luella Dolph; School Editor - Daisy Renfeldt; Reporters - Wanda Lou Brown, Colleen Stratton, Rose Marie Reed, Ruth Mullihan, Floyd Carver; Business and Circulation Manager - Margaret Kimberley; Humor Editor - Kenneth Kracht; Feature Editor - Harriet Cooper; Proof Readers - Karol Robinson, Gretchen Mead; Typists - Naomi Gilley, Maxine Heintz, Dorothy Titus; Duplicator - Charles Kimberley. School news will report to the Collins Gazette the same as usual.

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