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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Baseball. Nevada defeated Collins 5-4, Collins scoring their runs in the 7th inning. Westcott had two hits.

State Academic Tests were taken Monday morning and all day Tuesday. Several groups from Collins plan to attend Veishea at Iowa State College/University in Ames this Thursday and Friday.

Annuals were received by thestudents Friday. Now a siege of autographing has beset the school.

May 9, 1940 - Summary Description - The first school annual "The Co-HawkS" was a paper bound, 7" by 9" booklet with staple binding.

Cover page entitled "The Co-HawkS," Published by the Student Council of Collins Consolidated High School, 1940, with aerial photo (on the lower one-third of the cover) of both school buildings with eight school buses parked along the street in front of the school.

Page 2 - Annual Dedicated to Clara Signs with her picture.
Page 3 - Student Council - Co-HawkS staff picture and member names - David (Bud) Renfeldt (7th); Anne Fish (Soph.) - Chr. Ad Comm; Dick Holland (Sr.) - Bus. Mgr.; Thomas Tipton (Fr.) - Asst Ed.; Dorothy Titus (Jr.) - Sec.-Treas.; Gale Holmes (Jr.); Gene Fertig (8th); Harold Hale (Sr.) - Pres.; Dorothy Carver (Sr.) - Editor of the Co-HawkS 1940 annual: School Board picture and member names.
Page 4 - Administration - picture of Supt. Holmes and Prin. Miss Melvina Swanson.
Page 5 - Faculty pictures and subjects taught. Page 6 - High School curriculum.
Pages 8 and 9 - senior pictures with their names and school activities listed.
Page 10 - Senior Class History.
Page 11 - Class of 1941 picture with student names and class officers.
Page 12 - Sophomores - picture with student names and class officers.
Page 13 - Freshmen - picture with student names and class officers.
Page 14 - Junior High School (7th and 8th) - picture with student names and class officers.
Page 17 - School Calendar 1939-1940.
Page 18 - Girls Basketball - picture with names of squad members, season record W-7, L-10, T-1.
Page 19 - Boys Basketball - picture with names of squad members, season record Won-4, Loss -12.
Page 20 - Boys Baseball-picture with names of roster members. FFA picture, names of 18 members.
Page 21 - Girls Glee Club-picture with names of 27 members. Boys Glee Club - picture with names of 17 members.
Page 22 - Newspaper Staff-picture, names of five members. Band-picture, names of 28 members.
Page 23 - Dramatic Club - picture with names of 33 members.
Pages 25-30 - Listing of Collins School Alumni 1892 through 1939.
Pages 31-35 - Listing of 55 Sponsoring Advertisers (Collins 34 , Maxwell 7, and Nevada 8).
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