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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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May 2, 1940 "The Circus Comes to Town" presented by senior class of Collins high school; Director - Ellen Holmes, May 3. Cast is: Jeane Tipton, Juanita Bates, Dorothy Kracht, Richard Holland, Anoka Elliott, Harold Hale, James Kimberley, Donald Deal, Kathlene Snyder, Norene Oswalt, Ronald Hand, Dorothy Carver, Opal O'Neil, Garth Patterson. Stage manager is Garth Patterson and off-stage effects is Glen Perin.

The 1940 census shows Collins has a population of 512. The 1930 population was 489.

Honor Roll. Seniors - Dorothy Kracht, Jeane Tipton; Juniors - Lois Hattery; Sophomores - Anne Fish, Gretchen Mead; Freshmen - Bill Atwood, Colleen Stratton.

Grade Six - Science: Looking through the microscope we saw mold plants. We made bacterial culture to study. Bacteria are also forms of plant life. Grade Five - Hygiene By soaking a bone in acid, we took out the mineral matter, which left a soft flexible bone. Because milk contains lime, it is one of the best bone-building foods. We looked at bones which showed the marrow.

Assembly Program. Wednesday morning the Girl Scouts presented several musical numbers including "Angry," "Man's Life a Vapor," "Mules," "It's a Hap Hap Happy Day," "Softly Falls the Light of Day." "The Ghost of a Freshman," a play, was presented by Norma Smith, Colleen Stratton, Gretchen Mead, Helen Renfeldt, and Margaret Kimberley.

State Music Contest - The high school trio, consisting of Juanita Bates, Naomi Gilley, and Jeane Tipton competed in the state music contest at Waterloo. They received a rating of excellent.

Baseball. Collins defeated Farrar 6-4 at Farrar; Westcott got three hits, Holland two, Robinson and Fertig each one. Holland pitched a no-hit game until the last inning and struck out 13 batters.

Baseball Roster Members: Ronald Hand (40), Jack Fertig (42), Floyd Carver (41), Richard Holland (40), James Kimberley (40), Harold Hale (40), Chase Westcott (41), Wendell Coles (42), Bill Stoneberg (41), Jack Stratton (42), Berle Robinson (40), Dorrell Taylor (43), Kenneth Kracht (41) (Mgr.), Mr. Gowen (Coach). (Season record not found)

The Junior-Senior Banquet was held Friday evening in the high school gymnasium, decorated in senior colors of turquoise and gold. The three-course dinner was served by the mothers of the junior class. An interesting program of music and toasts were built around the theme, "Swing." Keith Swanson, junior, acted as toastmaster. The banquet was followed by dancing and other forms of amusement.

May 9, 1940 Baccalaureate Service - Class of 1940, Sunday, May 12, 8:00 P.M. at Church of Christ. Order of Service: Processional - "The Kingdom of God" - Mr. Sparks and Cornet Trio; Invocation - Rev. Charles Fix; "Take the Name of Jesus with You," - Audience; Scripture - Rev. Charles Fix; "There is a Green Hill Far Away" - Girls sextet; Address - Rev. Arthur Marston; Benediction - Rev. Charles Fix; Processional - "General Boom Boom" - high school band.

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