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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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mber 1, 1939 Co-Hawks - The student council has taken for its project this year the publishing of our first high school annual. Co-HawkS 1940 annual staff - Dorothy Carver (Sr.) - Editor; Thomas Tipton (Fr.) - Assist. Ed.; Anne Fish (Soph.) - Chr. Ad Comm; Dick Holland (Sr.) - Bus. Mgr.; Dorothy Titus (Jr.) - Sec.-Treas.; Gale Holmes (Jr.); Harold Hale (Sr.) - Pres. Student Council; Gene Fertig (8th); David (Bud) Renfeldt (7th). Monday morning a special assembly was called, introducing the council's plan to the student body. We are having 100 books published. They are well printed, bound with & blue cover, embossed with a ship design, and will contain many photographers' pictures. The purpose of the annual is to have an interesting history of the 1939-40 school year. One of the many special features in our annual is directory of our alumni, including over 350 names, extending over a period of 40 years. Each student in high school and junior high will have his picture in the annual once plus a picture of the student in each activity they participate in. The name of our annual is Co-HawkS. Co- for Collins. HawkS for Hawk-eye state. C H & S are to be capitalized for Collins High School. The charge for each annual will be $1 a copy. Installment payments are necessary to take care of the company's payments, therefore we are having a bean-guessing contest, an entry fee given with the first payment for each annual before Friday. Two "Sandy" dogs will be given to the two students guessing nearest to the number. Local advertising, as well as that from surrounding territory, will be included in the financing of our annual. The student council will need much co-operation and hard work for the success of our first Collins high school annual.

December 14, 1939 Honor Roll All those who receive a B average or higher and received satisfactory in citizenship this last six weeks are: Seniors - Jeane Tipton; Juniors - Lois Hattery; Sophomores - Ann Fish, Flo Signs; Freshmen - Bill Atwood, Claretta Duncan; 8th - Gene Fertig, Richard Hand; 7th - Rex Beavers. Pauline Dolph, Kathleen Hanson, Wanda Huntrods, Betty Luing. Curtis Marsh, Johanna Tiffany.

Annuals Facts concerning the number of annuals sold have been compiled by the secretary of the Student Council and show that in the senior class 85 percent ordered annuals. The juniors were second with 77 percent. Next were sophomore with 50 percent, the freshman with 35 percent, the 7th with 25 percent and 8th, 22 percent. Orders have come in for over 70 annuals. Better place your order soon for they are going fast.

Basketball Collins girls won their game from Colo Dec. 6, 61-22. Minnie Sheibley made 26 points for Collins, Carmody made 11 for Colo. The Collins boys lost to Colo 17-12. Lounsberry made 6 points for Colo, Holland 6 for Collins. The Collins girls took a very close game from the undefeated Farrar team Friday night 40-38. The wining basket was made in the last two minutes of play. Farrar led at the half 24-18, but Collins started to slip them through after the half. Minnie Sheibley made 25 points for Collins and Link made 25 points for Farrar. The Farrar boys won over Collins 31-20. Griffiieon made 11 points for Farrar and Holland made 8 for Collins. (No Box Scores found)

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