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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Basketball Schedule: Nov. 17-Farrar, there; Nov. 21-Rhodes, here; Nov. 28-Shipley, here; Dec. 5 -Colo, here; Dec. 8-Farrar, here; Dec. 12-Colo, there; Dec. 15-Maxwell, here' Dec. 19-Cambridge, here; Jan. 5-C. C. C. C.-here; Jan. 12-Maxwell, there; Jan. 16-C. C. C. C. there; Jan. 23-Fernald, here; Jan. 26-Shipley, there; Feb. 1. 2, 3-County Tourney (Girls); Feb. 8, 9, 10-County Tourney (Boys); Feb. 15, 16, 17-Girls Sect.; Feb. 20-Fernald, there; Feb. 23-Melbourne, here; Feb. 29, March 1,2 - Boys Sectional; March 5-Cambridge, there; March 8-Melbourne, there.

The state teachers meeting will be held at Des Moines starting Thursday, Nov. 2. The school will be dismissed Thursday and Friday.

November 2, 1939 "The Sunshine Twins," a 3-act comedy, to be presented by the junior class, is one of the season's outstanding laugh hits, with situation after situation unfolding in riotous mirth. You are cordially invited to join in the success of this delightful play. It will be presented at the high school auditorium on Friday, Nov. 10, and directed by Ellen E. Holmes. Cast of Characters: Gabby Robinson, Connie Robinson: Proof that trouble never comes singly - Keith Swanson, Naomi Gilley; Mrs. Robinson: A bundle of nerves-Maxine Heintz; Glen Robinson: True blue son -Kenneth Kracht; Mrs. Ellis: Who has a nursery for sale-Lois Hattery; Norma Robinson: Hollywood bound-Ila Mae Pritchard; Clint Robinson: Head of the clan-Gale Holmes; "Bebe" Robinson: Who refuses to stay put -Daisy Renfeldt; Vail Porter: Whose money gets in the way - Chase Westcott; Leo Prather: A lamb who learns to roar-Floyd Carver; Pauline Doyle: A talent scout -Dorothy Titus. Admission: 15c. and 25c. Tickets will be on sale at the West Side Barber Shop.

November 9, 1939 Bob Feller is Coming to Collins Bob Feller, hero of millions of men and boys all over the United States for his baseball pitching, will be the main speaker at the Father and Son banquet here Nov. 21, sponsored by the Collins Booster club. Feller, who holds the record for strikeouts in a single major league game, as he turned back 18 members of the Detroit Tigers on the last day of the 1938 season, will relate some of his experiences. Bob has led the American league in strikeouts for the past two years and last season won 24 games-high mark in the American league. Three of his victories were over the New York Yankees, rulers of the baseball world. From Detroit he won six and lost none. Bob was again chosen to be in the all-star game this year, the "dream game of baseball," and all will remember the tense moment when he was inserted into the game. All will remember, too, how instead of being the goat of the game, he came out the hero. Not only is Bob a great pitcher, but a real boy and a fine example for young men.

He attends church services regularly, does not use coffee, tobacco or liquor. He believes that clean living, hard work and hard playing are the reasons for his success as a pitcher. During the off season, he spends a lot of time hunting and playing golf. These sports give his muscles exercise and help keep him in condition. Feller, who celebrated his 21st birthday Nov. 3, will be, one of the many celebrities on the program here. Banquet tickets are on sale at various Collins business houses, by members of the Collins Booster club and High school athletic association.

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