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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Dramatics: The first meeting of the Dramatic club was held at the school house at 4 o'clock

Thursday. The freshmen who wished to join, tried out and were voted on by the other members. After that election of officers was held. The officers are: Pres. - Lois Hattery; Vice Pres. - Bonnie Signs; Sec-treas. - Daisy Renfeldt; Reporter - Margaret Kimberley. It was decided that committees would be appointed later.

The following students have made the dramatic club: Those in group A are John Tiffany, Alice Smith, Anne Fish, Mildred Kimberley, Karol Robinson, Dorothy Johnston, Flo Signs, Gretchen Mead, Lowell Atkinson. Eileen Hofer, Lois Hattery, Mildred Atkinson, Isabelle Coughenour, Daisy Renfeldt, Bonnie Signs, Kenneth Kracht. Those in group B are Luella Dolph, Donald Neale, Phyllis Weese, Anoka Elliott, Margaret Kimberley, Jack Fertig, Charles Kimberley, Howard Hand, Reid Beavers, Ruth Mullihan, Claretta Duncan, John Kingman, Joe Anderson, Betty Griffioen, Helen Deal, Colleen Stratton.

October 19, 1939 Baseball Collins defeated Mingo 5-0, and Dick Holland pitched his first hitless and runless game. He struck out 17 men in 7 innings, and Deaton struck out 6. Westcott got a 4 bagger, Holland a double and triple, and Kimberley 1 hit. Fall Season: 5 wins - 1 loss. Batting Averages: Ronald Hand (40) - 538; Harold Hale (40) - 500; Richard Holland (40) - 357; Jack Stratton (42)- 333; Chase Westcott (41) - 313; Berle Robinson (40) - 300; Floyd Carver (41)- 300; James Kimberley (40) - 200; Jack Fertig (42) - 133; Bill Stoneberg (41) - 000; Wendell Coles (42) - 000; Dorrell Taylor (43) - 000; Manager - Kenneth Kracht (41); Coach - Mr. Gowen.

Senior Class News: The seniors have made some important decisions recently. They chose to have their pictures taken next spring by the Waltz studio, and to wear caps and gowns at the commencement exercises.

The second edition of the "School Journal" will be published next week. The intermediate graders sponsor this paper, and Robert Titus is its editor. Gordon Holland is business manager, while Dick Keagle takes care of the advertising. Anyone interested in subscriptions should see one of our salesmen - Lowell Renfeldt, Bobby Quinn, Ronald Halterman.

Ag News: The results of the livestock and poultry judging, held in connection with the institute Friday, Oct. 13, which included three classes of poultry, two swine and two sheep, are as follows: Poultry - Lowell Atkinson, Gene Fertig, tied for 1st: Jack Stratton, tied for 2nd. Entire Contest (poultry, swine and sheep) - Dick Holland 1st, Gene Fertig 2nd, Ronald Hand 3rd, Lowell Atkinson 4th.

October 26, 1939 Basketball Season Begins practice started Monday noon for the girls and after school for the boys. We are looking forward to a successful season, but we will need the cooperation of the entire student body and the people of the community. Will you be a good sport and support the teams? There are nine home games, so let's see you out!

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