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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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September 28, 1939 The following class officers were chosen Wednesday:

7th Grade: Pres. - Kathleen Hanson. 8th Grade: Pres. - Richard Hand; Vice Pres. - Norma Smith; Sec'y-Treas. - Gene Fertig. 9th Grade: Pres. - Betty Griffioen; Vice Pres. - Joe Anderson; Sec'y-Treas. - Thomas Tipton. 10th Grade: Pres. - Karol Robinson; Vice Pres. - Jack Stratton; Sec'y-Treas. - Reid Beavers. 11th Grade: Pres. - Billie Stoneberg; Vice Pres. - Forest Pointer; Sec'y-Treas. - Keith Swanson. 12th Grade: Pres. - Ronald Hand; Vice Pres. - Garth Patterson; Sec'y-Treas. - Harold Hale.

Baseball: Collins won from Rhodes, 1 to 0, and lost to Slater, 5 to 3. Space does not permit printing the box scores of these games.

October 5, 1939 Two carloads of Collins Ag. boys attended Dairy Cattle congress at Waterloo Tuesday, Sept. 26. The teams made up of Richard Holland, Jack Fertig and Olin Pitcher (dairy), Wendell Coles and Donald Deal (poultry), making up one carload, left Monday evening and remained over until Wednesday noon. Another carload made up of Keith Swanson, Chas. Kimberley, Reid Beavers, Dale Deal and Thomas Tipton (alternate on dairy term), made the trip on Tuesday only. The entire group visited the John Deere tractor plant Tues day afternoon. On the way back, the team members visited the hybrid cornplant at Reinbeck, where "open house" was being held. They also visited a milking shorthorn farm near New Providence.

Baseball: Collins won their game from Shipley on Friday the 29th, 9 to 2. Dick Holland struck out 11 men, while Posegate struck out 9. Hand got 3 hits, Westcott 2, and Holland, Carver and Stratton each got one.

Social: Forty-six students from the high school enjoyed a skating party at Nevada Thursday evening after school. The faculty sponsors were Mr. Holmes, Miss Swanson, Mr. Perkins, Miss Harrington and Miss Holmes. After returning from the party, the group went to Kracht's where they were served lunch. Those taking part in the debate to be presented at the P. T. A., are: Chairman - Jeane Tipton; Affirmative debaters - Juanita Bates, Garth Patterson, Geo. Kimberley; alternate, Dorothy Kracht; other supporters, Doris Brown, Ronald Hand. Opal O'Neil, Glen Perin, Berle Robinson, Mildred White. Negative: Marieta Struthers, Harold Hale, Dorothy Carver; alternate, Richard Holland; other supporters, Donald Deal. James Kimberley, Lois Kimberley, Norene Oswalt, Kathleen Snyder.

Perfect Spelling: The following people have had a perfect record in spelling since school began: 6th Grade: Eugene Van Pilsum, Robert Titus. 5th Grade: Arlene Magg, Alice Swalwell, Margie Shearer. 4th Grade: Norma Vasey, Gene Atwood, George Tiffany, Josephine Smith.

October 12, 1939 Baseball Collins defeated Shipley here Friday, 7 to 1. Dick Holland struck out 18 men in 7innings. Hand got 2 hits, Holland 1 and Westcott 1. Holland got a four bagger with bases loaded. Probably the luckiest play was when Carver was walked, stole 2nd, 3rd, and then home when the catcher missed the ball.

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